SECTION D: ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: --Electrical System Wiring: Wiring harness components and related. ELECTRICAL WIRE HARNESS PARTS: INTRODUCTION: Wiring issues tend to cause quite a bit of confusion and distress to many people, for a variety of reasons, the foremost reason being that some electrical device isn't functioning properly, or at all! An that's when the intimidation starts to set in, staring at a maze of seemingly identical wires, connectors, terminals, etc............sometimes even hidden inside their protective sheathing. We're here to help............with the physical aspects of your wiring system components, at least! Don't ask us about the electricity that flows inside those wires and terminals, though, it's a complete mystery to us, too.......... ![]() As a more familiar and easily understandable introduction to the entire wiring subject, let's take the case of a typical household situation: your toaster. A toaster is what we will call a device. It is one of many types of devices that you can plug into the main electrical wiring harness that runs throughout your house (which starts at the fusebox or fuse panel located somewhere in your house). This main electrical wiring harness is normally hidden behind the sheetrock walls, and is normally only "visible" to you when an electrical outlet (or, a light switch, etc.) branches off of it and pokes thru the wall. At that point, you see a wall outlet, the common three-place receptacle that you could plug your device (toaster, TV, computer, etc.) into. This wall "outlet" is actually composed of a few component pieces though: - the wires that are part of that main wiring harness. In homes, which use AC current, you typically have 3 wires that go to each outlet: positive, negative, and a neutral. DC electrical systems, as used in most vehicles, typically only have a positive and a negative ("ground") wire as part of each circuit. - each of those wires has, on each of its ends, a metal wire-end terminal that allows the physical interaction between two wires that are being hooked into one another to be secure. - those three wires are all joined together, for organizational and safety purposes, into a plastic connector block or "shell". The wire, with their (typically, brass) metal end terminals, are placed within and permanently aligned and oriented in relation to one another within this connector block or shell. Okay, so good so far........ But once you start thinking about it, that device that you want to power----the toaster, the TV, the whatever-----it also has a plastic connector block or shell on it, also. It's what we typically call a "plug", but once again, what we call a plug is really composed of the same three component parts: wires, a metal wire-end terminal which is attached to the end of each wire, and a plastic connector block or shell (called the "plug") that holds the wires and their end terminals in alignment. And notice, that the device (the toaster) may have a long length of wire from it to its connector block or shell (called a "plug"). This long run of wire(s), with their attached end plug, is what we refer to as a "lead-in harness", since it "leads into" the device. Now in order to get our Pop-tarts toasted, we must get power from the main wire harness to the toaster, and of course we do this by joining the connector block on the end of the toaster "lead-in" harness (the "plug") to the connector block on the end of the main house wire harness (the "outlet"). In other words, we "plug" (or "join") the connector block on the end of the "device" into the connector block from the main house harness (the "outlet"). Okay, I know the above explanation is kind of silly, but it's meant to help clarify what the descriptive terms are in a manner that is hopefully easy to understand. On your bike, there is a main wire harness, and this main harness has all types of branch circuits for each final-use device----such as your handlebar control switches, your headlight, each of your switches and relays, the regulator, each turn signal, the coils, etc. Each branch circuit has the appropriate wires for the device it is being connected to, each device (well, most of them!) has its own lead-in harness, and at the point of connection there are wires, each with a metal wire-end terminal, and all housed together in a plastic connector block or shell. There is a connector block or shell on the device side of the connection, and a mating version of it on the main harness side of the connection. Since the connector blocks are designed to "mate" together, there are both a "male" and "female" version of each style connector block that only mates into one of its own "kind" (unlike in your house, where most devices can plug into any main harness outlet). On your bike you want to plug in your coil connector only to its proper main harness circuit wiring, and thus different types (shapes, sizes, and colors) of connector blocks are used on each circuit. In this way, it insures that the handlebar switch (the device) can only be plugged into its proper main harness circuit mating connector shell that is on the main harness. So when you read the description below, and it says that a particular connector shell is used on: - Starter solenoid lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except all XJ700 and XJ750-X models). now you will understand what that means-----that the particular connector shell being referenced is used on this particular "device" (in the above example, for the starter solenoid), and, it is used on the main harness "side" of the connection of this device to the main wiring harness. The "other side" of this joint would use the opposite mate of this same style connector block, and would be described as: - Starter solenoid lead harness, on the solenoid lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except all XJ700 and XJ750-X models). ......and thus holds the wires and terminals that are on the short "lead-in" harness that actually goes into the starter solenoid (device) itself. Also note that in some situation, the same style connectors can be used on different circuits, and for different devices, but are color-coded differently so as to distinguish one circuit from another. Whew! Ain't electricity fun? If you get confused along the way, just holler, and we'll do our best to get you (and your harness) "connected" properly. ELECTRICAL HARNESS WIRE: But not just any kind of wire! We offer only the highest-quality GXL cross-linked PVC-coated wire in the correct gauge stranded copper core in both SOLID-COLOR and TRACER-STRIPE WIRE. This wire is far superior to common chain-store wire and is available in most of the original tracer-stripe color coding scheme so you can keep your harness original or build a new harness and still trace your circuits properly. A brief comparison illustrates the superiority of GXL wire versus standard wire: most "regular" automotive-grade wire is designated as a "GPT" grade of extruded PVC wire, and it is rated for -40 to +80-C temperatures. This type wire, if it gets hot enough, will not only melt, but it will also catch on fire.....a great way to ruin your day, your wire harness, your bike, etc. GPT grade wire is basically what was used originally by Yamaha in your harness, and is normally what you can buy in retail home-improvement and hardware stores. It is created by heating PVC and then quickly extruding it through a die over a particular size of stranded (or solid) wire core. GXL grade wire, although still a PVC-based product, is formed by extruding PVC through a tube, under intense heat and pressure, in order to 'cross-link' and change the molecular properties of the insulation to a much more durable state. This is why GXL wire is rated for use from -51 to +125-C (225-F) temperatures. Additionally, although GXL wire will still melt when its heat rating is exceeded, it is not flammable, and that may be a very important consideration for you should a short ever develop within your electrical system someday.......... What size is my wire?: Unfortunately, factory wiring diagrams indicate almost every other parameter about your wiring harness----wire color, wire connector type, where it goes to and where it comes from and where it's spliced together, etc.-----but does not specify the wire gauge (or size) of the wires used. A little bit on wire "gauge" sizes. The gauge of a wire is basically what size the inner wire core is, and that size determines the wire current-carrying capacity. The lower the gauge number, the larger the wire size and thus current-handling capacity. Thus a 14-gauge wire is larger (physically and in current carrying capacity) than a 16-gauge, or an 18-gauge, or a 20-gauge, etc. size wire. Yes, we know that's "backwards", but that's the way it is. In fact, wire gauges (often noted as "AWG", which stands for American Wire Gauge Standard----and yes, there is also a metric wire sizing "standards", too!) are really a medieval sort of thing.....for example, you are holding a piece of wire in your hand----perhaps the solid white wire that goes to your alternator stator----and you're wondering "what gauge wire is this?" I mean, you really do want to know that information, since you want to replace it with that gauge wire or larger (meaning a "lower" number wire gauge size), but never a smaller (= a higher wire gauge size) wire, as the original wire is designed to carry a certain amount of electrical energy, and substituting a smaller wire size could cause voltage loss (think: dim headlights, overcharged batteries, overheated wires, melted connectors, a small fire starting somewhere near your gas tank, etc.-------all sorts of devastation, electrically-speaking). So how to you determine what size wire is in your hand? Well, this is kind of confusing, but here goes: - for stranded-core wire (which is what is used on most vehicular applications, including these bikes), you should do the following: * Make a small cut about 1/2" long and remove the insulation from the wire. * Then you will need to count the individual strands of copper....how many individual strands are there? * Next, use a micrometer and measure the thickness of any one single strand. * Then, look at the following information to determine the gauge of your automotive wire: # of strands / diameter of each wire strand 7 x .028" = 20-gauge wire (this example means that a 20-gauge wire has 7 individual wire strands, each strand measuring .028" in diameter) 16 x .030" =18-gauge wire 19 x .029" =16-gauge wire 19 x .027" =14-gauge wire 19 x .025" =12-gauge wire 19 x .023" =10-gauge wire 19 x .021" = 08-gauge wire 37 x .021" = 06-gauge wire Wow, that's a lot of work, isn't it? Here's the shortcut method that applies to your harness wires.........you measure the outside diameter of the wire in your hand (meaning, the O.D. of the insulation) and that measurement tells you what the AWG of the wire core is. NOTE: make sure that you measure the wire on a straight portion of the wire, and it's useful to take 2 or 3 different measurements to make sure you are not measuring a distorted, "egg-shaped" area of the insulation: If the wire OD is 2.03mm - 2.19mm (.0799 to .0862"), then it's 20-gauge (20g) AWG or 0.40mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 20g wire is rated for a maximum load of 11 amps of current at 12VDC. If the wire OD is 2.26mm - 2.42mm (.0890 to .0953"), then it's 18-gauge (18g) AWG or 0.75mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 18g wire is rated for a maximum load of 16 amps of current at 12VDC. If the wire OD is 2.48mm - 2.64mm (.0976 to .1039"), then it's 16-gauge (16g) AWG or 1.25mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 16g wire is rated for a maximum load of 22 amps of current at 12VDC. If the wire OD is 2.89mm - 3.05mm (.1138 to .1201"), then it's 14-gauge (14g) AWG or 2.00mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 14g wire is rated for a maximum load of 32 amps of current at 12VDC. NOTE: 14g wire is the largest size wire normally found in the wiring harnesses on these bikes. Battery cables and the solenoid-to-starter motor cable are larger, of course, but of all the main harness and accessory wiring, 14-gauge is the largest that you'll find. If the wire OD is 3.49mm - 3.65mm (.1374 to .1437"), then it's 12-gauge (12g) AWG or 3.00mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 12g wire is rated for a maximum load of 41 amps of current at 12VDC. If the wire OD is 4.32mm - 4.48mm (.1701 to .1764"), then it's 10-gauge (10g) AWG or 5.00mm squared (metric size). NOTE: 10g wire is rated for a maximum load of 55 amps of current at 12VDC. So, for example, if you measure your white alternator stator lead wires, you'll find them to be about .1015" in outer diameter, and referring to the chart above, you determine that they are thus 16-gauge wire. And therefore you should always replace them, if needed, with 16-gauge or larger wire (meaning 16-gauge, 14-gauge, 12-gauge, etc.). If you measure your solid red harness lead wire that comes off your solenoid or regulator unit----which is the main power supply for your harness-----you might find it measures about .1185" in diameter. Again referring to the chart above, it is therefore a 14-gauge wire. REMEMBER: always use the same-size (gauge) wire as original or a larger size (a numerically smaller gauge size) or otherwise you are setting yourself up for major problems and the risk of fire! What color is my wire?: There are two different formats of wire insulation colors in your harness: * solid colored wire, which is pretty self-explanatory, and..... * tracer wire, which is a solid color wire imprinted with a permanent, straight, contrasting-color stripe along its entire length. This "tracer stripe" makes it easy to identify any particular wire and what circuit it belongs to. For the sake of both clarity, future troubleshooting, and safety, we always strongly urge people to replace wires with the same color and format (solid color vs. tracer-stripe) wire as was originally used, or, if you're building your own custom harness, to follow the same color-coding standards as what was originally used by Yamaha (for example: the main power feed wire for the harness is a solid red wire; solid black wires are ground circuit wires; a solid yellow wire is the rear brake light wire; a horn wire is a solid pink wire; the coils are fed by a solid orange wire, a solid grey wire, and a red wire with a white tracer stripe, etc.). This attention to detail make for a professional harness build or repair, and greatly simplifies your life in the future! In your factory wire diagram, solid color wires are identified by their solid color abbreviation, which are: B = Black Br = Light Brown Ch = Chocolate Brown, which is a very dark brown, almost black. Dg = Dark green, which is a very dark green, almost black. Gr = Green, which could be a light or medium green color. Gy = Grey, which is a light grey color L = Blue, which could be a medium or a navy blue or even a very dark blue, almost black. P = Pink O = Orange, which is a bright orange R = Red Sb = Light Blue or "Sky" Blue, a very light, baby-blue color. W = White Y = Yellow, which is a bright yellow So a solid Black wire would be coded as "B", while a solid Light Brown wire appears as "Br", while a Dark "Chocolate" Brown wire is abbreviated as "Ch". Tracer wires are identified first by their primary wire color abbreviation (from the chart above), and then a slash mark (/), followed by the tracer stripe color abbreviation. So for instance, a Black (B) wire that has a thin Yellow (Y) tracer stripe will appear on the diagrams as B/Y or B/y (the lower case letter makes the identify of the "tracer" color more obvious). A Red (R) wire with a white tracer stripe would be labeled as R/W (or R/w), while a Red wire with a black tracer stripe would be R/B (or R/b). Be aware that some tracer stripe colors are very difficult to tell apart from each other (particularly white vs. yellow tracer stripes), while other tracer stripe colors are just hard to see because of the lack of color contrast (for instance, a dark blue wire with a black tracer stripe). Solid Black (B) Wire: Used for various harness ground wires, this wire can vary in size from 20-gauge (which is not available, use the next larger size 18-gauge instead) all the way down to 12-gauge, so make sure you measure the wire size you need and order the correct size. If in doubt, use the largest size possible! HCP1323 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1323SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1323SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1323SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP12944 Aftermarket GPT SOLID BLACK CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered. This wire is used on the alternator rotor brushes lead harness on XJ1100 models only. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12944SET5 Aftermarket GPT SOLID BLACK CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, cloth-covered, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9515 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9515SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9515SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9515SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP9517 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9517SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9517SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9517SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP1324 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP1324SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP1324SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP1324SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID BLACK WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 Black Tracer Wire: Used in a variety of places---mostly for sensors and safety relays---are used throughout many harnesses. Please note that it is sometimes very difficult on original harnesses to visually tell the difference between a white and a yellow tracer stripe, so make sure you view it under s good light or consult a factory wiring diagram to be sure! NOTE: many of the original wires on your harness will be 20-gauge. We do not offer 20-gauge wire and recommend that you substitute the slightly larger 18-gauge wire in place of it. HCP1335 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1335SET5 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1335SET10 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1335SET25 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9519 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9519SET5 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9519SET10 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9519SET25 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1336 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1336SET5 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1336SET10 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1336SET25 Aftermarket GXL BLACK with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "B/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Blue Wire: Although the factory wiring diagrams only specified the difference between the Sky Blue ("Sb") color and a generic Blue ("L") color in their wiring diagrams, there were in fact a number of different shades of "blue", with only the Sky Blue color being somewhat consistent. - Sky Blue (abbreviated as "Sb" in factory wire diagrams), which is a very pale baby blue color. Your neutral switch and starting circuit cut-off relay use this color wire. - Blue (abbreviated as "L" in factory wire diagrams), which may be either a: - Light Blue. - Medium Blue. - Dark Blue-------which is a very, very dark (almost black) shade of blue. We offer a "Light Blue" color which is slightly darker than the Sky Blue color, and a Dark Blue, which a very dark blue color. The solid blue wires (besides the Sky Blue) are normally used for the rear tail light circuit and some of the dash lighting circuits. NOTE: many of the original wires on your harness will be 20-gauge. We do not offer 20-gauge wire and recommend that you substitute the slightly larger 18-gauge wire in place of it. HCP1332 Aftermarket GXL SOLID SKY BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "Sb" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1332SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID SKY BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "Sb" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1332SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID SKY BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "Sb" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1332SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID SKY BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "Sb" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1329 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1329SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1329SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1329SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK BLUE WIRE, abbreviated as "L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Blue Tracer Wire: Primarily found in switch or relay wiring circuits, most of these wires were originally 20-gauge. Since we do not offer 20-gauge wire, we recommend that you substitute the slightly larger 18-gauge wire in place of it. HCP9525 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9525SET5 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9525SET10 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9525SET25 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1339 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1339SET5 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1339SET10 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1339SET25 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9520 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9520SET5 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9520SET10 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9520SET25 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP1340 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.975 HCP1340SET5 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1340SET10 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1340SET25 Aftermarket GXL DARK BLUE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1341 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. NOTE: original harness wire color was always a dark blue, not this light blue color, when used with a yellow tracer stripe. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1341SET5 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1341SET10 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1341SET25 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9524 Aftermarket GPT DARK BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. NOTE: original harness wire color was always a dark blue color when used with a yellow tracer stripe. This wire is the correct shade of blue, but it is formed using a lower grade of vinyl insulation (GPT) rather than the GXL wire used in most of the other wiring that we offer. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9524SET5 Aftermarket GPT DARK BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9524SET10 Aftermarket GPT DARK BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9524SET10 Aftermarket GPT DARK BLUE with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "L/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Brown Wire: Originally, there were 2 shades of brown wire used on original harnesses: - Light Brown (abbreviated as "Br" in factory wire diagrams), which is a light or medium shade of brown. This wire is used in a variety of places within the harness; it is one of the most commonly used wire colors. Note that the main power feed from the ignition switch to the fusebox is brown, and it is a 14-gauge wire. - Dark Brown (abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wire diagrams, for "Chocolate") and is a very, very dark----almost black----shade of brown). Your turn signal circuit uses this shade of brown wire. We offer a Light Tan colored GXL wire which can be substituted for the Light Brown (Br) wire, as well as an actual Light Brown (Br) colored GPT grade wire. The GPT grade wire is not as durable as the GXL wire, but it is a much closer match to the original in color. The Dark Brown colored wire is a very close to the original Dark "Chocolate" Brown (Ch) shade of brown. NOTE: many of the original wires on your harness will be 20-gauge. We do not offer 20-gauge wire and recommend that you substitute the slightly larger 18-gauge wire in place of it. HCP12843 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12843SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP12843SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP12843SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP27174 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP27174SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP27174SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP27174SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP392 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP392SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP392SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP392SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID TAN WIRE, slightly lighter in color as the wire that is abbreviated as "Br" (light brown) in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP15355 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP15355SET5 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP15355SET10 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP15355SET25 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP15354 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP15354SET5 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP15354SET10 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP15354SET25 Aftermarket GPT LIGHT BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Br" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP27173 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP27173SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP27173SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP27173SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1325 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1325SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1325SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1325SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK "CHOCOLATE" BROWN WIRE, abbreviated as "Ch" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP12943 Aftermarket GPT SOLID BROWN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered. This wire is used only on the alternator rotor brushes lead harness on all bikes except XJ1100 models. Use with the HCP14154 harness sheathing. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12943SET5 Aftermarket GPT SOLID BROWN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP12943SET10 Aftermarket GPT SOLID BROWN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 Brown Tracer Wire: Used for the turn signal flasher circuit only, this light brown wire with a white tracer stripe was originally 20-gauge wire, and is only offered as an 18-gauge replacement wire. As noted above, we do not have the correct shade of the original Light Brown (Br) wire available, but offer this "Light Tan" wire color as a good substitute. HCP13007 Aftermarket GXL TAN with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Br/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP13007SET5 Aftermarket GXL TAN with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Br/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP13007SET10 Aftermarket GXL TAN with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Br/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP13007SET25 Aftermarket GXL TAN with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Br/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Green Wire: Originally, there were 2 shades of green wire used on original harnesses: - Green (abbreviated as "Gr" in factory wire diagrams), which may be either a: - Light Green wire. - Medium Green wire. The above colors are used for the headlight circuit and for the alternator rotor. Note that the solid green wires coming from the alternator rotor brush plate itself is a braided-cloth covered wire, and the standard plastic insulated wire that we offer should not be substituted for the cloth-covered wire. - Dark Green (abbreviated as "Dg" in factory wire diagrams) and is a very, very dark----almost black----shade of green). Your turn signal circuit uses this shade of green wire. The "Green" (G) wire could be either the Light or the Medium Green color. It is not unusual for an original harness to have multiple color variations of "Green" wire. We offer a Light Green and a Medium Green colored wire. We do not have the original Dark Green (Dg) shade of green available. HCP1327 Aftermarket GXL SOLID LIGHT GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1327SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID LIGHT GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1327SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID LIGHT GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1327SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID LIGHT GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1326 Aftermarket GXL SOLID MEDIUM GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1326SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID MEDIUM GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1326SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID MEDIUM GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1326SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID MEDIUM GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP26178 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. This This wire is used with the headlight circuit on models with analog gauges. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP26178SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 168-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP26178SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 168-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP26178SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID DARK GREEN WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP12942 Aftermarket GPT SOLID GREEN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered. This wire is used only on the alternator rotor brushes lead harness on all bikes except XJ1100 models. Use with the HCP14154 harness sheathing. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12942SET5 Aftermarket GPT SOLID GREEN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP12942SET10 Aftermarket GPT SOLID GREEN CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 Green Tracer Wire: Used for the clutch hand lever position switch circuit only, the green wire with a yellow tracer stripe was originally 20-gauge wire, and is only offered as an 18-gauge replacement wire. On some models, there is also a green wire with a blue tracer stripe used in the kickstand switch circuit; we do not have that color combination available, and offer the Green with Red Tracer stripe wire as a substitute. As noted above, any original Green (G) colored wire could be either a Light Green or a Medium Green color. The Light or Medium Green colored tracer wire that we offer below may or may not match your original "green" colored harness wire exactly. HCP12842 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP12842SET5 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP12842SET10 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP12842SET25 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9534 Aftermarket GXL MEDIUM GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9534SET5 Aftermarket GXL MEDIUM GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9534SET10 Aftermarket GXL MEDIUM GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9534SET25 Aftermarket GXL MEDIUM GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP26179 Aftermarket GXL DARK GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. This wire is used with the headlight circuit on models with a "computer" dash. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP26179SET5 Aftermarket GXL DARK GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP26179SET10 Aftermarket GXL DARK GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP26179SET25 Aftermarket GXL DARK GREEN with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP1338 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1338SET5 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1338SET10 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1338SET25 Aftermarket GXL LIGHT GREEN with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "G/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Grey (Gy) Wire: Used from the pick-up coils to the TCI, and from the TCI to the ignition coils, this wire was originally 18-gauge. NOTE: when reading a factory wire diagram, be careful not to confuse the abbreviation for this Solid Grey wire (Gy) with the abbreviation for a Green wire with a yellow tracer stripe (G/Y)! HCP1328 Aftermarket GXL SOLID GREY WIRE, abbreviated as "Gy" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1328SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID GREY WIRE, abbreviated as "Gy" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1328SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID GREY WIRE, abbreviated as "Gy" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1328SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID GREY WIRE, abbreviated as "Gy" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Orange (O) Wire: Used from the pick-up coils to the TCI, and from the TCI to the ignition coils, this wire was originally 18-gauge. HCP1330 Aftermarket GXL SOLID ORANGE WIRE, abbreviated as "O" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1330SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID ORANGE WIRE, abbreviated as "O" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1330SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID ORANGE WIRE, abbreviated as "O" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1330SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID ORANGE WIRE, abbreviated as "O" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Pink (P) Wire: Used for the horn wiring, this wire was originally 18-gauge. HCP1331 Aftermarket GXL SOLID PINK WIRE, abbreviated as "P" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1331SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID PINK WIRE, abbreviated as "P" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1331SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID PINK WIRE, abbreviated as "P" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1331SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID PINK WIRE, abbreviated as "P" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Red (R) Wire: Used for the main harness power feed off of the battery positive cable or the solenoid, the solid red wire feeds thru the fusebox and the ignition switch, and also runs to the voltage regulator/rectifier unit. This wire was originally 14-gauge and you should never use any smaller size. We also offer it in a larger 12-gauge size. HCP9536 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9536SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9536SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9536SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 14-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP389 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP389SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 128.95 HCP389SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP389SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID RED WIRE, abbreviated as "R" in factory wiring diagrams, 12-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 Red Tracer Wire: Used in a variety of places on the harness, red wires with tracer colors are the power feeds for various circuits, including many of the safety relays, the ignition coils, the starter solenoid, and other devices. NOTE: many of the original wires on your harness will be 20-gauge. We do not offer 20-gauge wire and recommend that you substitute the slightly larger 18-gauge wire in place of it. The Red with yellow tracer stripe wire (R/Y) in most harness was originally 18-gauge, and we only have this color wire available in a larger 16-gauge replacement. HCP1342 Aftermarket GXL RED with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1342SET5 Aftermarket GXL RED with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1342SET10 Aftermarket GXL RED with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1342SET25 Aftermarket GXL RED with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP387 Aftermarket GXL RED with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP387SET5 Aftermarket GXL RED with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP387SET10 Aftermarket GXL RED with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP387SET25 Aftermarket GXL RED with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP390 Aftermarket GXL RED with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP390SET5 Aftermarket GXL RED with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP390SET10 Aftermarket GXL RED with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP390SET25 Aftermarket GXL RED with YELLOW TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "R/Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 Solid White Wire: Used for the alternator stator, regulator/rectifier, and the headlight relay and diode wiring, this wire was originally either 20-gauge (use 18-gauge instead) or 16-gauge (alternator wiring). Note that the solid white wires coming out of the stator itself is a braided-cloth covered wire, and the standard plastic insulated wire that we offer should not be substituted for the cloth-covered wire. HCP1333 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1333SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1333SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1333SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9540 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9540SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9540SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9540SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID WHITE WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP12941 Aftermarket GPT SOLID WHITE CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered. This wire is used on the alternator stator lead harness only on all models. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12941SET5 Aftermarket GPT SOLID WHITE CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP12941SET10 Aftermarket GPT SOLID WHITE CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "WB" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP12941SET25 Aftermarket GPT SOLID WHITE CLOTH-COVERED WIRE, abbreviated as "W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge cloth-covered, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 White Tracer Wire: Used in a variety of sensing or lighting circuits, most o these wires were originally a 20-gauge wire, and are only offered as an 18-gauge replacement wire. HCP1343 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1343SET5 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1343SET10 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1343SET25 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/B" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9542 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLUE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9542SET5 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLUE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9542SET10 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLUE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9542SET25 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with BLUE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/L" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1344 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with DARK GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1344SET5 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with DARK GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1344SET10 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with DARK GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1344SET25 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with DARK GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP1345 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1345SET5 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1345SET10 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1345SET25 Aftermarket GXL WHITE with RED TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "W/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Solid Yellow (Y) Wire: Used for the rear brake light and, on some models, the headlight wiring, this wire was originally either 20-gauge (use 18-gauge instead) or 16-gauge. Note that some models used a Yellow wire with a green tracer stripe (Y/G) for the headlight circuit (instead of a solid yellow wire). HCP1334 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP1334SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP1334SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP1334SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP9544 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. This wire is used in the headlight circuit. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9544SET5 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9544SET10 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9544SET25 Aftermarket GXL SOLID YELLOW WIRE, abbreviated as "Y" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 Yellow Tracer Wire: Used for the turn signal flasher and flasher canceller, and on some models, the headlight wiring, this wire was originally either 20-gauge (use 18-gauge instead) or 18-gauge. Note that some models used a Solid Yellow wire for the headlight circuit (instead of a yellow with green tracer stripe wire). NOTE: where used, most original models use a dark green tracer stripe on these yellow wires; our replacement wire has a light green tracer stripe instead. NOTE: where used, most original models use a red tracer stripe on these yellow wires; our replacement wire has an orange tracer stripe instead. The original yellow with red tracer wires were 18-gauge; the only replacement we have available is in a thicker 16-gauge wire. HCP8557 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with LIGHT GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP8557SET5 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with LIGHT GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP8557SET10 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with LIGHT GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP8557SET25 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with LIGHT GREEN TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/G" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 HCP12884 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with ORANGE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP12884SET5 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with ORANGE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP12884SET10 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with ORANGE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP12884SET25 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with ORANGE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/R" in factory wiring diagrams, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP9546 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP9546SET5 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 8.95 HCP9546SET10 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 16.95 HCP9546SET25 Aftermarket GXL YELLOW with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated as "Y/W" in factory wiring diagrams, 18-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 29.95 Accessory Color Wire: Sometimes, you'll want to add electrical accessory circuits to you bike.....a cigarette lighter, heated grips, perhaps a power port for a GPS unit, etc......and in such situations, it's best to run a separate circuit, with its own unique color-coded wiring, in order to keep things neat and orderly, electrically-speaking. We offer the following unique colors (not used anywhere else on your bike) to help you safely and accurately identify any new circuits that you add. HCP9547 Aftermarket GXL PINK with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated P/B, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9547SET5 Aftermarket GXL PINK with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated P/B, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9547SET10 Aftermarket GXL PINK with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated P/B, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9547SET25 Aftermarket GXL PINK with BLACK TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated P/B, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 HCP9548 Aftermarket GXL PURPLE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated Pu/W, 16-gauge. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP9548SET5 Aftermarket GXL PURPLE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated Pu/W, 16-gauge, 5-foot length: $ 12.95 HCP9548SET10 Aftermarket GXL PURPLE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated Pu/W, 16-gauge, 10-foot length: $ 19.95 HCP9548SET25 Aftermarket GXL PURPLE with WHITE TRACER STRIPE WIRE, abbreviated Pu/W, 16-gauge, 25-foot length: $ 39.95 Wire Harness Tape: Factory wire harness bundles were taped with a black electrically-insulating protective VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP to provide both an orderly routing of the main harness wires and for additional wire protection. We have the correct 19mm wide black, high-voltage, adhesive-backed, all-weather stretch tape to allow you to repair or re-tape your harness. NOTE: XJ750 Maxim models that used this hard-shell, plastic ribbed tubing to protect the wire bundles had the hard-shell tubing externally wrapped with this tape. HCP12923 Aftermarket harness bundle VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, black, 20-foot roll. $ 4.95 HCP13134 Aftermarket harness bundle VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, black, 66-foot roll, almost enough to do one complete harness. $ 10.95 Additionally, most harnesses had a few short turns of COLORED VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP to provide visual identification of "what connector goes where?" during harness assembly and installation. Always located just by the connector shell, about 3-4 turns of this tape was used to both tape off any vinyl sleeving and to properly identify what the connector plugged into. Used primarily at the TCI connector (from the pick-up coils) and at the various small "cube" style relays (headlight relays, sidestand safety switch relays, etc.). Since all of these harness connector shells are the same style and type (4-position, horizontally oriented 2-over-2), this small tape wrap served as a way of indicating which of these many identical connectors went to which component. HCP13130 Aftermarket harness bundle YELLOW VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, 20-foot roll. Used by the pick-up coil harness connector (at the TCI) on XJ700-X and XJ750-X models, and at the headlight relay connector on all XJ550 models, all XJ650 (except Turbo) models, and all XJ750 Seca models. $ 3.95 HCP13131 Aftermarket harness bundle RED VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, 20-foot roll. Used by the pick-up coil harness connector (at the TCI) on 1982-83 XJ650 Maxim models, all '81-83 XJ750 models, and all XJ700 non-X models, and at the fuel pump relay connector on all XJ650 Turbo models. $ 3.95 HCP13132 Aftermarket harness bundle BLUE VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, 20-foot roll. Used by the pick-up coil harness connector (at the TCI) on all XJ550 models, at the emergency stop switch relay connector on all XJ650 Turbo models, and for the sidestand safety switch relay connector on all XJ550 models, all '82-83 XJ650 models, all XJ750 models, XJ900RK and XJ1100 models. $ 3.95 HCP13133 Aftermarket harness bundle GREEN VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, 20-foot roll. Used by the pick-up coil harness connector (at the TCI) on all XJ650RJ Seca and XJ1100 models. $ 3.95 Individual Wire Sheathing: The main harness feed solid red wire (14-gauge) used a braided cloth-like sheathing over it to protect it from any chance of insulation breakage. Although the original material is no longer available, we offer an expandable polyester sheathing that is similar in appearance and serves the same function as the original. Sold in 1-foot lengths, more than enough for any of the main harness lead wires. HCP12921 Aftermarket red plastic protective WIRE SHEATH, 12" length. $ 2.95 The pick-up coil harness lead wires and the alternator rotor brush-plate lead wires inside the engine cases use a thick, black heat-resistant sleeve over their wires to protect them from both the heat and pinching when the wire exit the engine cases. XJ550 models also use this type of thermal sheath over the kickstand switch lead wires. Sold in 1-foot lengths. HCP13326 Aftermarket black heat-resistant protective WIRE SHEATH, 12" length. $ 2.95 Wire Harness Bundle Sheathing: Most factory wire harness bundles were taped with a black electrically-insulating protective tape to provide both an orderly routing of the main harness wires and for additional wire protection. In addition, the two forward branches of the main harness were further protected by a smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING, while other models used a flexible, black ribbed WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE HARD SHELL SPLIT-TUBE SHEATHING. NOTE: some models that used the hard-shell, plastic ribbed split-tubing to protect the wire bundles were then also externally wrapped with vinyl electrical tape. HCP14153 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on a variety of different models, in different locations (control switch lead wires, sensor lead wires, etc.), 4.75mm internal diameter, holds two-wire lead harnesses. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 1.95 HCP14154 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on a variety of different models, in different locations (control switch lead wires, sensor lead wires, etc.), 6.35mm internal diameter, holds up to five-wire lead harnesses. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! This size sheath is the correct one to use when routing cloth-covered wires, such as for the alternator rotor harness. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP14155 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on a variety of different models, in different locations (control switch lead wires, sensor lead wires, etc.), 8.00mm internal diameter, holds up to six-wire lead harnesses. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 2.75 HCP14156 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on a variety of different models, in different locations (control switch lead wires, sensor lead wires, etc.), 9.50mm internal diameter, holds up to eight-wire lead harnesses. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 2.95 HCP14158 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on a variety of different models, in different locations (control switch lead wires, sensor lead wires, etc.), 12.70mm internal diameter, holds up to fourteen-wire lead harnesses. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 3.75 HCP12945 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly smaller (16mm ID) than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on all XJ550 and XJ650 (except Turbo) main forward harness branch "arms", approximately 2-feet per branch. Holds up to approximately 25 wires. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 4.25 HCP12946 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Slightly smaller (19mm ID) than stock size but fits and performs just fine. Used on all XJ750 Seca models main forward harness branch "arms", approximately 2-feet per branch. Holds up to approximately 33 wires. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 4.95 HCP14162 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Large size for custom harness construction, 22mm ID. Holds up to approximately 48 wires. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 5.75 HCP14163 Aftermarket smooth, flexible black WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE VINYL SHEATHING. Large size for custom harness construction, 25mm ID. Holds up to approximately 58 wires. NOTE: wires must be routed through this sheathing before wire-end terminals are applied! Sold per foot: $ 5.95 HCP13149 Aftermarket flexible, black ribbed WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE HARD SHELL SPLIT-TUBE SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. "Split" tube design allows completed wire bundle to be inserted into the tube even while the harness is fully assembled. Used on all 1982-3 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models on the main harness bundle forward branch arms (approximately 2-feet per arm). Sold per foot: $ 2.25 HCP12924 Aftermarket harness bundle flexible, black ribbed WIRE HARNESS BUNDLE HARD SHELL SPLIT-TUBE SHEATHING. Slightly larger than stock size but fits and performs just fine. "Split" tube design allows completed wire bundle to be inserted into the tube even while the harness is fully assembled. Use approximately 2-feet on all XJ700 non-X models, and approximately 1-foot on all 1985-86 XJ700 and XJ750-X models on the main harness bundle forward branch arm, just before the harness enters the headlight housing. Sold per foot: $ 2.95 WIRE-END TERMINALS and TERMINAL SHEATHS: The WIRE-END TERMINALS are the brass (or, for added corrosion resistance, tin-plated brass) metal ends that are used to actually "join" wires together at their mating point (usually within a plastic connector block or "shell") These terminals come in a variety of original shapes, styles, and sizes to allow you to properly replace the ones used on your harness, and are of the "OEM" (known as "open-arm" or "open barrel") style that allows both soldering and crimping of both the wire core and the wire insulation to the terminal, providing the ultimate in strain relief, security, and corrosion resistance. NOTE: these OEM style terminals require a special crimping tool to properly attach the terminal to the stripped wire end; regular "chain-store" terminal crimpers (for "closed barrel" style terminals) are designed to be used with those "chain-store" style terminals and will not work properly (nor will, for heaven's sake, pliers!) with these OEM style terminals! The crimping process and specialized tool required can be visualized here: http://www.xj4ever.com/crimping my style.pdf Additionally, it is strongly advised that you obtain a few extra terminals beyond whatever number you need for your project. It is very easy to burst the clamping arms on these open-barrel style terminals if you are inexperienced at using these types of terminals and their specialty crimping tool and procedures. The proper OEM "open-barrel" style crimping tools can be found further below in the "Electrical Tools" section, as can the terminal de-pinning tools (special flat-blade "picks" that are used to extract a terminal that has been inserted and locked into a connector shell). The ends of all wires are terminated either into a "device" (the oil sending unit, the brake switch unit, etc.) or with a metal WIRE-END TERMINAL. These metal terminals are normally made of solid brass, although some tin-plated brass terminals can also be found (and either type performs just as well as the other). End terminals come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and styles, such as FLAT BLADES, ROUND PINS, RINGS or SPLIT-RINGS, and BULLETS are the most common. And of course, there are MALE and FEMALE versions of each terminal, and some types also are available in different sizes (small, medium, or large Flat Blade End Terminals, for example or configurations, such as the single, double, or triple female Bullet End Terminals. Wire-end terminal PROTECTIVE SHEATHS are used primarily with the round Bullet Wire-end Terminals, and usually on the female bullet terminal only. Some of the 90-degree end terminals (primarily at the horns) use a flexible black rubber sheath or cover to protect the bare end terminal. We offer both the original style end terminals, as well as some aftermarket, general-wiring style of BUTT CONNECTORS and standard FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINALS for splicing or adding in non-stock connect/dis-connect features into your harness. ALL of our original-style terminals are the correct metric size terminals like the types used originally on your harness, and thus will properly fit (and lock into) the matching male or female terminal "mate" on your original harness, and will also fit and lock properly into your original plastic connector shells. Please note that there are a wide variety of wire-end terminal types available in the marketplace, and most "USA" (inch fractional sizes) will not mate with original terminals, nor do they have the correct retention tab needed to lock into original connector shells! On your original harness, each specific wire for a particular circuit not only used a designated size and color wire, but at least one end is terminated by a specific style and type of Wire-End Terminal. Original type Small Straight Flat Spade Wire-End Terminals: These original style "thin" straight flat blade terminals are tiny little things, and are approximately 3mm wide (side-to-side). Flat blade terminals are also referred to as "flat spade" or "tab" style terminals. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP9362BR1418 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight MALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9362BR1822 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight MALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 18-22 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9362TP1622 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight MALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. Accepts 16-22 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9363BRD1418 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight FEMALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. These terminals feature the original style locking "dimple" which gives an additional level of terminal-to-terminal locking ability when mated with its male counterpart. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9363BR1822 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight FEMALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 18-22 gauge wires. NOTE: will not fit any of the HCP9337xxxx series shells. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9363BRD1822 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight FEMALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. These terminals feature the original style locking "dimple" which gives an additional level of terminal-to-terminal locking ability when mated with its male counterpart. Accepts 18-22 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9363TP1622 Aftermarket original style "thin" straight FEMALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. Accepts 16-22 gauge wires. NOTE: for use only with the HCP9359MFWHTWE male connector shell; will not fit any of the HCP9337xxxx series shells. Each: $ 1.25 HCP28001 Aftermarket "trapezoid-shaped" FEMALE SMALL BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. Accepts 16-22 gauge wires. NOTE: this terminal only fits the original 9-place white connector shell used on all FJ600, XJ700, and the XJ750-X models at the large "consolidated" turn signal flasher and starting circuit safety relay assembly (located under the gas tank). Each: $ 1.50 Original type Medium Straight Flat Blade Wire-End Terminals: These original style, "medium-width" straight flat spade terminals are the most common style of end terminal used on these bikes, and are slightly over 6mm wide (side-to-side). Flat blade terminals are also referred to as "flat spade" or "tab" style terminals. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP9360BR1418 Aftermarket "medium-width" straight MALE MEDIUM BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.95 HCP9361BR1418 Aftermarket "medium-width" straight FEMALE MEDIUM BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.95 HCP9361TPDW1418 Aftermarket "medium-width" straight FEMALE MEDIUM TIN-PLATED BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Slightly wider than the stock terminal, but still fits the mating male terminal (and the connector shell) properly. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.95 Medium Flat Blade Terminal Protective Covers: HCP9325 Aftermarket original style, "medium-width" straight FEMALE FLAT-BLADE STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL PROTECTIVE SHEATH, correct size and length transparent sheath fits the HCP9361xx series of female wire-end terminals. Each: $ 1.25 Original type Large Straight Flat Blade Wire-End Terminals: NOTE: these original style "large" straight flat spade terminals are used only on the main harness feed wire from the positive battery cable (or solenoid) lead pigtail, and are slightly over 6mm wide (side-to-side). Flat blade terminals are also referred to as "flat spade" or "tab" style terminals. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP9371BR1418 Aftermarket original style "large" straight brass MALE LARGE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL. Used only within the main battery lead female connector shell HCP12837FMxx on all models except XJ1100. Each: $ 1.25 HCP12898BR1418 Aftermarket original style "large" straight brass FEMALE LARGE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL. Used only within the main battery lead male connector shell HCP12837MFxx on all models except XJ1100. Each: $ 1.25 Original type 90-Degree Flat Blade "Flag" Wire-End Terminals: These original style "flag" terminals make a 90-degree bend to the wire direction, and are normally used on the horn lead wires, inside the flasher relay connector shell, and inside some styles of the headlight plug connector shell. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP9370BR1418 Aftermarket "medium-width" 90-degree FEMALE MEDIUM BRASS FLAT BLADE WIRE-END TERMINAL, correct style solid brass terminal features a retention tab for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.75 Original type Round-Pin Wire-End Terminals: NOTE: it is easy to confuse these round pin wire-end terminals with the similar "bullet" terminals listed elsewhere. Round Pin Wire-End Terminals are always used inside a hard plastic connector shell, while the "bullet" style terminals are never inserted into a hard-shell connector body, and are instead placed within a soft, flexible, clear plastic sheath. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. NOTE: we'll attempt a bit of clarity here, as we realize it's easy to get "in the weeds" over these different types of "round-pin" terminals. There were originally 2 different suppliers to Yamaha (and probably other Japanese motorcycle builders) of shells (and their matching terminals) which used "round-pin" terminals......note that about 80% of harness connector shells and their terminals are of the "flat blade" (in varying widths) style, and for the most part (but not absolutely!), such terminals and shells are both readily available and interchangeable. The rest of the hard plastic connector shells are of the less-common "round pin" style, and these types of shells/terminals come in two different flavors (manufacturers), and neither their shells nor their terminals are interchangeable. These 2 suppliers are Yazaki and Mitsubishi. Yazaki shells and terminals are much more common on the harnesses, and luckily, there are reproductions available of those shells. However, the repro Yazaki shells....while they will physically mate up with an original Yazaki shell...use unique terminals which will not interchange into original Yazaki shells (and vice-versa: original Yazaki terminals won't fit into the repro shells). The other type of "round pin" terminals and shells used on these era bike harnesses were made by Mitsubishi Electric, and were imprinted "SJD" on the terminal and this identifier was also cast into the plastic connector shell itself (note: male shells had the "SJD" cast onto the front "face' of the shell, and thus it's pretty easy to see.....small, but readable. Female shells have the SJD marking cast inside the terminal cavity, and thus it may be very difficult to see. Of course, if the male shell has SJD cast into it, then its matching female shell is also made by Mitsubishi, whether you can see the marking or not). Mitsubishi got out of the motorcycle terminal and shell business quite some time ago, and thus original shells and terminals are hard to come by. These Mitsubishi "SJD" shells were mainly used on the control switch harness connections and on XJ700 gauge cluster harnesses, and are 6-place shells with a "divider" or separator bar internal to shell that "divides" the shell into a 4-place and a 2-place section. The HCP28300TP and HCP28301TP terminals below are the correct terminals which will fit original "SJD" shells only. We do not currently have any original or reproduction "SJD" style shells, so these terminals can only be used to replace missing or damaged terminals used with your original SJD shells. The HCP24540TP and HCP24541TP terminals below are the correct terminals for the "repro" Yazaki round-pin style shells mentioned in their description . They will not fit the original Yazaki shells. The HCP9326TP and HCP9327TP terminals below are the correct terminals for the specific shells mentioned in their description. They will not fit any original "SJD" or Yazaki shells, and while the male pin terminal is a "round pin", the female receiver terminal is actually a somewhat "triangle" shaped terminal into which a round male pin will fit. Finally: some people wonder why one round-pin style terminal can't be stuffed into a shell from a different manufacturer. Basically, it's because the manufacturers of the shells (and their matching terminals) made their products just different enough so you had to use their complete suite of components (shells and terminals) to eliminate competitive substitution attempts. Typically, the differences involve how the metal terminal is designed and/or shaped, and specifically how the terminal is able to "latch" or "lock" into the plastic connector shell....and the unique style of "latching" also means that the internal cavity of the connector shell is unique, too (in order to accept the specialized terminal design). HCP28301TP OEM tin-plated brass FEMALE TRUE-ROUND PIN WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the original Yamaha female "SJD" type connector shells. Mates into the HCP28300TP male terminal. Used primarily at the handlebar control switches and the gauge clusters (XJ700 models) and a few other locations. Tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention shoulder for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: these HCP28301TP "round-pin" terminals is used in all original connector shells that used round-pin male terminals. These terminals will not fit into the aftermarket connector shells (listed above) that are designed to accept these round-pin male terminals…..those shells above must use the HCP24540TP terminals listed further below. These HCP28301TP terminals will only fit the original shells on your harness. Each: $ 2.95 HCP28300TP OEM tin-plated brass MALE TRUE-ROUND PIN WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the original Yamaha female "SJD" type connector shells. Mates into the HCP28301TP female terminal. Used primarily at the handlebar control switches and the gauge clusters (XJ700 models) and a few other locations. Tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention shoulder for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: these HCP28300TP "round-pin" terminals is used in all original connector shells that used round-pin male terminals. These terminals will not fit into the aftermarket connector shells (listed above) that are designed to accept the aftermarket round-pin male terminals…..those shells above must use the HCP24541TP terminals listed further below. These HCP28300TP terminals will only fit the original shells on your harness. Each: $ 2.95 HCP24540TP Aftermarket tin-plated brass MALE TRUE-ROUND PIN WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the female HCP24542F, HCP24543F, HCP24544F, and HCP24545F connector shells only. Mates into the HCP24541TP female terminal. Tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention shoulder for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: original connector shells use the HCP28301TP round-pin terminal, aa these HCP24540TP round-pin terminals will not fit into the original connector shells that used the round-pin male terminals. These terminals will only fit into the aftermarket connector shells (listed above) that are designed to accept these aftermarket round-pin male terminals. Each: $ 2.75 HCP24541TP Aftermarket tin-plated brass FEMALE TRUE-ROUND PIN WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the male HCP24542M, HCP24543M, HCP24544M, and HCP24545M connector shells only. Mates to the HCP24540TP male terminal. Used primarily in the main key switch, the handlebar control switches, brake light switches on some models, fuel sender unit circuits, and a few others. Correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention shoulder for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: original connector shells use the HCP28300TP round-pin terminal, and these HCP24540TP round-pin terminals will not fit into the original connector shells that used the round-pin male terminals. These terminals will only fit into the aftermarket connector shells (listed above) that are designed to accept these aftermarket round-pin male terminals. Each: $ 2.75 HCP9326TP Aftermarket style tin-plated brass MALE ROUND PIN STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the female HCP9330FMxx, HCP12881FMxx, HCP12882FMxxx, HCP12885FMxx, HCP12886FMxx, and HCP13164FMxx connector shells. Mates to the HCP9327TP female terminals. Used primarily in the main key switch, the handlebar control switches, brake light switches on some models, fuel sender unit circuits, and a few others. Correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention dimples for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: original harnesses used a true "round" opening terminal. These HCP9326TP "round pin style" terminals will accept the HCP9327TP female round-pin terminals (below), but will not fit original connector shells that used the truly round-pin female terminals. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9327TP Aftermarket style tin-plated brass FEMALE ROUND PIN STYLE PIN WIRE-END TERMINAL, used with the male HCP12881MFxx connector shell. Mates to the HCP9326TP male terminals. Used primarily in the main key switch, the handlebar control switches, brake light switches on some models, fuel sender unit circuits, and a few others. Correct style tin-plated solid brass terminal features retention dimples for insertion and positive locking into their connector shell. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. NOTE: most original harnesses used a true "round" opening terminal. These HCP9327TP "round pin style" terminals will accept the HCP9326TP male terminals (above), but will not fit original connector shells that used the true round-pin female terminals. They will only fit into the HCP12881MFxx connector shell which is designed to use this "triangulated" round-style female terminals. Each: $ 1.25 Original type “Fork” (or “split-ring”) type Wire-End Terminals : These original style Bullet style Wire-End Terminals are some of the most commonly used style of connectors on your wiring harness, found on the end of brake and tail-light wire leads, turn signal leads, most of the small sending units (brake, oil, and battery fluid level sensors), brake light switches, sidestand switches, and others. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP28305 Aftermarket original style solid brass ”FORK” STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL is used at the neutral position switch (in the bottom of the crankcase). These “split ring” type terminal fits over the neutral switch threaded stud on all XJ650, XJ700, XJ750, and XJ900 models. Correct size and style 5mm solid brass terminal features. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.95 Original type Bullet Wire-End Terminals and Protective Sheathes: These original style Bullet style Wire-End Terminals are some of the most commonly used style of connectors on your wiring harness, found on the end of brake and tail-light wire leads, turn signal leads, most of the small sending units (brake, oil, and battery fluid level sensors), brake light switches, sidestand switches, and others. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. NOTE: it is easy to confuse these bullet style wire-end terminals with the similar "round pin" terminals listed above. The Female Bullet Wire-End Terminals are always used inside a soft, flexible, clear plastic sheath, while the "round pin" style terminals are always inserted into a hard-shell connector body. Male Bullet Wire-End Terminals are typically "bare", although they will, on occasion, have a small, clear protective sheath around them. In any case, just remember that bullet terminals are never found within a hard plastic connector shell. Note carefully that while the male bullet terminals are always a solitary terminal on the end of a single wire, the somewhat "promiscuous" female bullet terminals are designed to accept either one, two, or three individual male terminals. The dual- and triple-female bullet terminals are typically used to accumulate multiple smaller ground wires back into a single larger main ground wire. The clear protective SHEATH for these bullet terminals are located further below in the "Connector Block and Terminal Sheath" section of the catalog. HCP9364BR1418 Aftermarket original style solid brass MALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses. These male bullet terminals are sometimes protected by the transparent HCP9323 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates to the HCP9366xx, HCP9368xx, or HCP9328xx female bullet terminals. Correct size and style 4mm solid brass terminal features retention bulge for insertion and positive locking into their female mate. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9364TP1418 Aftermarket original style tin-plated brass MALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. These male bullet terminals are sometimes protected by the transparent HCP9323 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates to the HCP9366xx, HCP9368xx, or HCP9328xx female bullet terminals. Correct size and style 4mm solid brass terminal features retention bulge for insertion and positive locking into their female mate. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9366BR1418 Aftermarket original style solid brass SINGLE FEMALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses, especially in the lighting and sender unit circuits. These single-opening female bullet terminals are always protected by the transparent HCP9322 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates with the HCP9364xx male bullet terminals. Correct style 4mm solid brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9366TP1418 Aftermarket original style tin-plated brass SINGLE FEMALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses, especially in the lighting and sender unit circuits. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. These single-opening female bullet terminals are always protected by the transparent HCP9322 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates with the HCP9364xx male bullet terminals. Correct style 4mm tin-plated solid brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9368BR1418 Aftermarket original style solid brass DOUBLE FEMALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses, especially in the turn signal circuits. These dual-receiver female bullet terminals are always protected by the transparent HCP9324 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates with the HCP9364xx male bullet terminals. Correct style 4mm solid brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9368TP1418 Aftermarket original style tin-plated brass DOUBLE FEMALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used in a variety of different places on original harnesses, especially in the turn signal circuits. The tin plating gives an additional level of corrosion resistance to the brass terminal. These dual-receiver female bullet terminals are always protected by the transparent HCP9324 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates with the HCP9364xx male bullet terminals. Correct style 4mm tin-plated solid brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9328BR1418 Aftermarket original style solid brass TRIPLE FEMALE BULLET WIRE-END TERMINAL is used on the rear tailight harness on XJ550 Maxim and 1982-83 XJ650 Maxim models only. These triple-hole female bullet terminals are always protected by the transparent HCP9329 plastic sheath to prevent shorts and corrosion. Mates with the HCP9364xx male bullet terminals. Correct style 4mm solid brass terminal. Accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.25 Bullet Terminal Clear Protective Sheaths: HCP9323 Aftermarket original style MALE BULLET STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL PROTECTIVE SHEATH, correct size and length transparent sheath fits the HCP9364 male wire-end terminal. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9322 Aftermarket original style SINGLE FEMALE BULLET STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL PROTECTIVE SHEATH, correct size and length transparent sheath fits the HCP9366 female wire-end terminal. Each: $ 1.95 HCP9324 Aftermarket original style DUAL FEMALE BULLET STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL PROTECTIVE SHEATH, correct size and length transparent sheath fits the HCP9368 female wire-end terminal. Each: $ 1.25 HCP9329 Aftermarket original style TRIPLE FEMALE BULLET STYLE WIRE-END TERMINAL PROTECTIVE SHEATH, correct size and length transparent sheath fits the HCP9328 female wire-end terminal. Each: $ 1.25 Original type Closed Round Ring Terminals: These original style Round Closed Ring "Eye" Wire-End Terminals are primarily used on your wiring harness for frame grounding purposes. In many cases, a number of different harness ground wires (which are always black) come together and are terminated within a single closed ring "eye" style terminal. All of these "open-barrel" style terminals are designed to be both crimped onto the wire insulation and to the bare wire. HCP10093BR1214 Aftermarket original style brass CLOSED RING WIRE-END TERMINAL, for 12-14 gauge wires as used on most models, typically at the coil mounting bolt or at some other main harness-to-frame ground location. These wire-end terminals are NOT used on battery cables! Each: $ 1.25 HCP10093BR1618 Aftermarket original style brass CLOSED RING WIRE-END TERMINAL, for 14-18 gauge wires as used on some ground positions on XJ750 Maxim and XJ1100 models. All other bikes use the larger 12-14 gauge version of this terminal (above). These wire-end terminals are NOT used on battery cables! Each: $ 1.25 HCP14736 Aftermarket original style brass CLOSED RING WIRE-END TERMINAL, for 18-22 gauge wires as used on some wires inside the handlebar control switches. These very small terminals are used in different quantities depending on model and year of the bike. Each: $ 1.95 Aftermarket Butt Connector Terminals: When you want to permanently join two pieces of wire that will not ever need to be disconnected at that joint, then a tubular BUTT CONNECTOR is the proper terminal style to use. Available in either un-insulated or fully insulated versions, there's a size and style for any situation you might encounter, including STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTORS when joining two wires of greatly differing sizes (for instance, joining a 12-gauge size wire to an 18-gauge size wire), as well as the latest technological miracle, the CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK, SOLDER-SLEEVE BUTT CONNECTOR. Please keep these definitions in mind when determining which type of connector is best suited for your needs: Crimpable means that you insert the bare wire end into the hollow central cavity of this tube-like butt connector terminal, and then crush the tube with a proper style "closed barrel" terminal crimper tool. This process mechanically captures the bare wire only (and not the insulation) securely inside the connector. Non-insulated means that the butt connector is a bare terminal; it has no protective sleeve over it, and thus should be covered with shrink tube or electrical tape of some type after the wire are installed and the connector crimped and soldered to the wires. An insulated connector, or the other hand, comes with a hard plastic outer insulation or, even better, with a heat-shrink material as part of the terminal, making the entire installation process that much simpler. Solder-sleeve means that the terminal has an internal slug of solder so that while you're heating the shrink sleeve, you'll also melt an internal solder ring that then flows and fills the internal cavity of the connector (and thus the bare wire) with a warm, solder-y goodness. Now, is this a great country, or what? Please note that each Butt Connector terminal only fits a certain range of wire sizes, so make sure you order the proper size for the wire(s) that you'll be joining. It's pretty useful to keep a variety of sizes available for use. All of these terminals are a "closed-barrel" style, and require a proper style crimping tool for such type connectors, which can be found further below in the "Electrical Tools" section. HCP13042 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 18-22 gauge. NOTE: the HCP13030, HCP13036, HCP13033, or HCP13038 insulating shrink-tube is the proper size to use with these butt connectors. Each: $ 0.95 HCP13042SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 18-22 gauge. Set of 10: $ 7.95 HCP13045 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 18-22 gauge. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13045SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 18-22 gauge. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13043 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 14-16 gauge. NOTE: the HCP13031, HCP13037, HCP13034, or HCP13039 insulating shrink-tube is the proper size to use with these butt connectors. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13043SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 14-16 gauge. Set of 10: $ 7.95 HCP13046 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 14-16 gauge. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13046SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 14-16 gauge. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13044 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 10-12 gauge. NOTE: the HCP13032 or HCP13035 insulating shrink-tube is the proper size to use with these butt connectors. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13044SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 10-12 gauge. Set of 10: $ 7.95 HCP13047 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, BUTT CONNECTOR, for wires that are both 10-12 gauge. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13047SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, BUTT CONNECTORS, for wires that are both 10-12 gauge. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13069 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTOR, used for joining two significantly different size wires together. One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 10-12 gauge, while the other end accepts 14-16 gauge wire. NOTE: the HCP13032 or HCP13035 insulating shrink-tube is the proper size to use with these butt connectors. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13069SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTORS, One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 10-12 gauge, while the other end accepts 14-16 gauge wire. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13070 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTOR, used for joining two significantly different size wires together. One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 10-12 gauge, while the other end accepts 14-16 gauge wire. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13070SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTORS, One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 10-12 gauge, while the other end accepts 14-16 gauge wire. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13071 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTOR, used for joining two significantly different size wires together. One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 14-16 gauge, while the other end accepts 18-22 gauge wire. NOTE: the HCP13031, HCP13037, HCP13034, or HCP13039 insulating shrink-tube is the proper size to use with these butt connectors. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13071SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, NON-INSULATED BUTT CONNECTORS, One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 14-16 gauge, while the other end accepts 18-22 gauge wire. Set of 10: $ 16.95 HCP13072 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, INSULATED STEP-DOWN BUTT CONNECTOR, used for joining two significantly different size wires together. One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 14-16 gauge, while the other end accepts 18-22 gauge wire. Each: $ 1.95 HCP13072SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, INSULATED BUTT CONNECTORS, One "end" of the terminal accept wires that are 14-16 gauge, while the other end accepts 18-22 gauge wire. Set of 10: $ 16.95 Aftermarket Insulation-Piercing Wire Tapping Connectors: These easy-to-use, "fold-over tab" wire splicing taps allow you to "tap into" an existing wire without cutting, splicing, or soldering. Guillotine blade will tap into an existing wire, and makes the connection to a new wire a snap. No crimping tool required; a standard set of pliers will work just fine. HCP14736 Aftermarket insulation-piercing WIRE TAP CONNECTOR, accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Standard style does not have moisture protection. Each: $ 1.95 HCP14913 Aftermarket insulation-piercing WIRE TAP CONNECTOR, accepts 14-18 gauge wires. Moisture-proof style is filled with an insulating, protective gel that seals the wires. Each: $ 1.95 Aftermarket Flat Blade Wire-End Terminals: When you want to join two pieces of wire that may or will need to be disconnected at that joint, then a matching set of male and female FLAT BLADE CONNECTORS are the terminal type to use. Although there are a number of different styles of these terminals available in the marketplace, we offer what we feel are the easiest and most secure style available, the infamous CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK, SOLDER-SLEEVE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL design which combines all of the necessary features of a proper terminal installation---it gets crimped tightly to the wire, the wire and the terminal are already covered with a heat-shrink tube for insulation, and the wire gets soldered to the terminal----all in one graceful and easy-to-use little package. Please note that Flat Blade Terminals properly fit only a certain range of wire sizes, so make sure you order the proper size for the wire(s) that you'll be joining. It's pretty useful to keep a variety of sizes available for use. All of these "closed-barrel" style terminals are designed to be crimped onto the bare wire core only. HCP13049 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 18-22 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13049SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 18-22 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 HCP13048 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 18-22 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13048SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 18-22 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 HCP13051 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 14-16 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13051SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 14-16 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 HCP13050 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 14-16 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13050SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 14-16 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 HCP13053 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 10-12 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13053SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE MALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 10-12 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 HCP13052 Aftermarket wire-end CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL, for wires that are 10-12 gauge. Each: $ 2.75 HCP13052SET10 Aftermarket wire-joining CRIMPABLE, HEAT-SHRINK INSULATED, SOLDER-SLEEVE FEMALE FLAT BLADE TERMINALS, for wires that are 10-12 gauge. Set of 10: $ 24.95 Aftermarket 90-Degree Flat Blade "Flag" Wire-End Terminals: These "flag" style terminals allow a 90-degree bend to the wire direction, and are normally used on the horn lead wires, inside the flasher relay connector shell, and inside some styles of the headlight plug connector shell. They accept a bare wire input and allow attachment to a male “medium width” (.250”) flat blade terminal (this terminal has a female receiver). All of these "closed-barrel" style terminals are designed to be crimped onto the bare wire core only. HCP24210 Aftermarket "medium-width" 90-degree FEMALE MEDIUM-WIDTH FLAT BLADE WIRE-END “FLAG” TERMINAL, tin-plated solid brass terminal features a blue nylon insulation shell. Accepts 14-16 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.50 HCP24210SET5 Aftermarket "medium-width" 90-degree FEMALE MEDIUM-WIDTH FLAT BLADE WIRE-END “FLAG” TERMINAL, tin-plated solid brass terminal features a blue nylon insulation shell. Accepts 14-16 gauge wires. Set of 5: $ 5.95 HCP24211 Aftermarket "medium-width" 90-degree FEMALE MEDIUM-WIDTH FLAT BLADE WIRE-END “FLAG” TERMINAL, tin-plated solid brass terminal features a red nylon insulation shell. Accepts 18-22 gauge wires. Each: $ 1.50 HCP24211SET5 Aftermarket "medium-width" 90-degree FEMALE MEDIUM-WIDTH FLAT BLADE WIRE-END “FLAG” TERMINAL, tin-plated solid brass terminal features a red nylon insulation shell. Accepts 18-22 gauge wires. Set of 5: $ 5.95 WIRE-END TERMINAL CONNECTOR BLOCKS: When a number of circuits (and thus their wires) all go to the same functional area......for instance, to the speedometer cluster.........then all of the particular wire end terminals are placed in specific locations within a plastic CONNECTOR SHELL or "BLOCK" that holds all of the end terminals in a particular orientation, and encased in a protective hard plastic, colored shell. These connector shells or "blocks" come in a variety of configurations, based on how many wire terminals they hold (1, 2, 3, all the way up to 9 positions), their physical configurations (straight across, T-shaped, rectangular, etc.), their color (most are white or off-white, but some are black, red, green, or even blue), and whether the connector shells have mechanical latches on them (most do not, but some of the most vital, "must not come part" connector blocks----such as the main power lead from the battery, and the coil primary input leads----have fail-safe latches to increase their security). The original style CONNECTOR BLOCKS listed below are sorted by how many wire end terminals they are capable of holding, and each is listed as to where it used on the each model bike harness, and on which side of the connection it is used on. They will correctly replace and mate with the stock connector shells already on your harness, eliminating the need (and temptation!) to fill up your harness with blue butt splices and bathroom caulking whenever a harness repair is needed........ NOTE: all connectors shells and blocks listed below are for use with original style OEM "open barrel" wire end terminals listed above only! (unless otherwise specified) Single-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP12837FMOWT Aftermarket off-white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, single place, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9371BR1418 male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP12837FMOWT (the female shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Main battery power lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ models except XJ1100 models. HCP12837MFWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, single place, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP12898BR1418 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP12837MFWHT (the male shell with the female latching peg) is used on: - Main battery power lead-in harness, on the positive battery cable harness side of the connection: all XJ models except XJ1100 models. HCP13489MNWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, single place, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP13489MNWHT (the male shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Main battery power lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. NOTE: differ very slightly in configuration from original but will fit and function correctly. HCP13489FNWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, single place, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP13489FNWHT (the female shell with the female latching peg) is used on: - Main battery power lead-in harness, on the positive battery cable harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. NOTE: differ very slightly in configuration from original but will fit and function correctly. Two-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP24542FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place “flat” terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24540TP round-pin male terminal only (does not accept original terminals) Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24542FMWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Emergency Stop Switch harness, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ650 Turbo and XJ1100 models. - Auxiliary Light Switch (under the right handlebar switch harness), on the main harness side of the connection: 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. - Front Brake Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1985-1986 XJ700 models and XJ750-X models. - Main Switch, for battery fluid sensor, on the switch lead-in harness: XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models, and XJ1100 models. - Fuel level sensor (fuel tank sending unit), on the sender unit lead-in harness: 1985-1986 all XJ700 and XJ750-X models, and all XJ900 models. HCP24542MFWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place “flat” terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24541TP round-pin female terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24542MFWHT (the male shell) is used on: - Emergency Stop Switch harness, on the switch lead-in harness: XJ650 Turbo and XJ1100 models. - Auxiliary Light Switch (under the right handlebar switch harness), on the switch lead-in harness: 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. - Front Brake Switch, on the switch lead-in harness: all 1985-1986 XJ700 models and XJ750-X models. - Main Switch, for battery fluid sensor, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models, and XJ1100 models. - Fuel level sensor (fuel tank sending unit), on the main harness side of the connection: 1985-1986 all XJ700 and XJ750-X models, and all XJ900 models. HCP13161FNWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place, "T"-shaped (horizontal above vertical terminal orientation), used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP13161FNWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Horn lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. HCP13161MNWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place, "T"-shaped (horizontal above vertical terminal orientation), used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP13161MNWHT (the male shell) is used on: - Horn lead harness, on the horn harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. HCP9331FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place (horizontal above horizontal terminal orientation) with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 9.95 * HCP9331FMWHT (the female shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Alternator rotor lead harness, on the brush plate lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). - Alternator rotor lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Fan motor, on the fan motor lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ700-X and XJ750-X models. NOTE: all XJ700-X and XJ750-X models used a black-colored version of this same connector shell which is not currently available. - Fuel pump circuit, on the fuel pump lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Ignition Coils lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes. NOTE: all XJ700 models and the XJ750-X models used a yellow-colored version of this same connector shell which is not currently available. - Knock sensor circuit, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Main system circuit (30A) fuseholder, on the fuseholder lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. - Sidestand switch lead, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550, 1982-83 XJ650 Maxim, all XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ900 models. - Starter solenoid lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except all XJ700 and XJ750-X models). HCP9331MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 2-place (horizontal above horizontal terminal orientation) with a female latch-peg receiver and side ear "tabs", used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9331MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and the side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Alternator rotor lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). - Alternator rotor lead harness, on the brush plate lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Fan motor, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ700-X and XJ750-X models. NOTE: all XJ700-X and XJ750-X models used a black-colored version of this same connector shell which is not currently available. - Fuel pump circuit, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Ignition Coils lead harness, on the ignition coils lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes. NOTE: all XJ700 models and the XJ750-X models used a yellow-colored version of this same connector shell which is not currently available. - Knock sensor circuit, on the sensor lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Main system circuit (30A) fuseholder, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. - Sidestand switch lead, on the sidestand switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550, 1982-83 XJ650 Maxim, all XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ900 models. - Starter solenoid lead harness, on the solenoid lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except all XJ700 and XJ750-X models). Three-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP24543FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place “T-shaped” terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24540TP round-pin male terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24543FMWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 models, all XJ650, all XJ750 Maxim models, and aXJ1100 models. HCP24543MFWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place “T-shaped” terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24541TP round-pin female terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24543MFWHT (the male shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the switch lead-in harness: all XJ550 models, all XJ650, all XJ750 Maxim models, and aXJ1100 models. HCP12838MNBLK Aftermarket black plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped, used on all of the following circuits listed below. This shell has a hinged rear "flap" that covers the terminals after they are installed into the shell. Accepts the HCP9370BR1418 female 90-degree flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 7.95 * HCP12838MNBLK (the male shell) is used on: - Flasher Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ models except all XJ700 models, XJ750-X models, 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, and XJ900 models. - Headlight, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ models except 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models (although they can use this shell instead of the correct HCP13572MNBLK shell). HCP13572MNBLK Aftermarket black plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped, used on all of the following circuits listed below. This shell does not have a hinged rear "flap". Accepts the HCP12898BR1418 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 7.95 * HCP13572MNBLK (the male shell) is used on: - Flasher Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, and XJ900 models. - Headlight, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. HCP13571 Aftermarket black plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped, used on all of the following circuits listed below. This shell has a hinged rear "flap" that covers the terminals after they are installed into the shell. Includes the HCP9370BR1418 terminals already installed and a 12" wire lead of 16 AWG wire from each terminal. NOTE: on models using the "computer" dash, you will need to retain your original short jumper wire(s) from various lead(s) that are used to control the high-beam warning indicator light on the dash and splice them into the new leads. Each: $ 8.95 * HCP13571 (the male shell) is used on: - Headlight, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ models except 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models (although they can use this shell instead of the correct HCP13572MNBLK shell). HCP13575 Aftermarket high-performance ceramic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped, used on all of the following circuits listed below. This shell is made from a high-temp ceramic material for use when running high-wattage replacement headlight bulbs. Includes the HCP9370BR1418 terminals already installed and a 12" wire lead of 16 AWG wire from each terminal. NOTE: on models using the "computer" dash, you will need to retain your original short jumper wire(s) from various lead(s) that are used to control the high-beam warning indicator light on the dash and splice them into the new leads. Each: $ 19.95 * HCP13575 (the male shell) is used on: - Headlight, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ models except 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models (although they can use this shell instead of the correct HCP13572MNBLK shell). HCP9333MFWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped with a with a female latch-peg receiver, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 - Alternator stator lead harness, on the stator lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). - Tail Light Lead Harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, all XJ650 Turbo, and all XJ900 models. HCP9333FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9333FMWHT (the female shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Alternator stator lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). - Boost Pressure Sensor, on the sensor lead-in harness side of the connection: XJ650 Turbo models. - Boost Switch, on the sensor lead-in harness, main harness end: XJ1100 models. - Headlight extension harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 and XJ650 (except Turbo) models. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the main switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 14-gauge red, 14-gauge brown, and 18-gauge blue, so choose your terminals appropriately. Bikes that use the two red/white wires for the battery sensor have two additional 20-gauge wires. - Sidestand switch lead, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650RJ Seca, XJ650 Turbo, all 1981-83 XJ750 models, and XJ1100 models. - Tail Light Lead Harness, on the tail light side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, all XJ650 Turbo, and all XJ900 models. HCP9333MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, "T"-shaped with a with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9333MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Boost Pressure Sensor, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ650 Turbo models. - Boost Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ1100 models. - Headlight extension harness, on the extension harness side of the connection: all XJ550 and XJ650 (except Turbo) models. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series bikes (except XJ1100). NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 14-gauge red, 14-gauge brown, and 18-gauge blue, so choose your terminals appropriately. Bikes that use the two red/white wires for the battery sensor have two additional 20-gauge wires. - Sidestand switch lead, on the switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650RJ Seca, XJ650 Turbo, all 1981-83 XJ750 models, and XJ1100 models. NOTE: either of the following connector shells (HCP9337-series) below can be used in place of the original green shell used for the clutch hand lever switch (the original green shell is not available, but these shells are identical in size/shape/fit/etc.): NOTE: either of the following connector shells (HCP9337-series) below can be used in place of the original green shell used for the clutch hand lever switch (the original green shell is not available, but these shells are identical in size/shape/fit/etc.): HCP9337FNOWT Aftermarket off-white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, horizontal, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9337FNOWT (the female shell) is used on: - Dash Turn Signal Indicator Lights harness, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ1100 models. - Fuel level sensor (in gas tank), on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca, and XJ1100 models. - Tachometer harness, main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, 1980-81 XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, XJ650RJ Seca, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Terminal assembly harness, main harness side of the connection: XJ1100 models. - Clutch hand lever switch harness, main harness side of the connection, for all XJ550, XJ650, XJ750 (except Seca models), XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. Note that this shell was originally green in color, but this shell---although the wrong color----is the same size, shape, and fit. HCP9337MNOWTNE Aftermarket off-white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, horizontal, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1418 or HCP9363BRD1822 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9337MNOWTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Dash Turn light indicator harness, on the dash lights lead-in harness side of the connection: XJ1100 models. - Fuel level sensor (in gas tank), on the fuel sender unit lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca, and XJ1100 models. - Tachometer harness, on the tachometer lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, 1980-81 XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, XJ650RJ Seca, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Terminal assembly harness, on the terminal assembly lead-in harness side of the connection: XJ1100 models. - Clutch hand lever switch harness, clutch switch harness side of the connection, for all XJ550, XJ650, XJ750 (except Seca models), XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. Note that this shell was originally green in color, but this shell---although the wrong color----is the same size, shape, and fit. HCP9337FNYEL Aftermarket yellow plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, horizontal, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9337FNYEL (the female shell) is used on: - Dash Neutral and Turn Signal lights indicator harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Clutch hand lever switch harness, main harness side of the connection, for all XJ550, XJ650, XJ750 (except Seca models), XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. Note that this shell was originally green in color, but this shell---although the wrong color----is the same size, shape, and fit. HCP9337MNYELNE Aftermarket yellow plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 3-place, horizontal, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1418 or HCP9363BRD1822 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9337MNYELNE (the male shell) is used on: - Dash Neutral and Turn Signal lights indicator harness, on the dash indicator light lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Clutch hand lever switch harness, clutch switch harness side of the connection, for all XJ550, XJ650, XJ750 (except Seca models), XJ700, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. Note that this shell was originally green in color, but this shell---although the wrong color----is the same size, shape, and fit. Four-terminal Connector Blocks: NOTE: all sidestand, starting circuit, headlamp, fuel pump, and emergency stop relay could have come either with or without a terminal latch shroud which surrounds the brass terminals on the relay. Although you can use either the HCP9334MNWHTNE (no latch) connector shell or the HCP9334MMWHTNE (with male latch) connector shell, if your relay has the terminal shroud on it (most original relays did not have the shroud, but most current replacement relays do have the shroud, whether or not the original relay did), then you should use the HCP9334MMWHTNE connector shell, as it has the proper style integral male latch that latches onto the female receiver that is part of (and the reason for!) that terminal "shroud" on the relay base. HCP24544FFWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place square terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24540TP round-pin male terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24544FFWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: 1981-1983 XJ750 Seca models. - Fusebox (in dash), on the fusebox lead-in harness: 1985-86 XJ700 all models and XJ750-X models. HCP24544MMWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place square terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24541TP round-pin female terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24544MMWHT (the male shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the switch lead-in harness: 1981-1983 XJ750 Seca models. - Fusebox (in dash), on the main harness side of the connection: 1985-86 XJ700 all models and XJ750-X models. HCP9334MNWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9334MNWHTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Headlight Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, all XJ650 (except Turbo), 1982 XJ650RJ Seca, and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Sidestand Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, 1982-84 XJ650 Maxim, 1982 XJ650RJ Seca, and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Starting Circuit Cut-off Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, all XJ650 (except Turbo), 1982 XJ650RJ Seca, and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - TCI unit, ignition coils output side, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 (except Turbo), 1981-83 all XJ750, and XJ1100 models HCP9334MMWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9334MMWHTNE (the male shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Engine Emergency Stop Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Fuel Pump Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Headlight Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim models. - Sidestand Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, XJ650 Turbo, all XJ700, 1982-83 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, XJ750-X, and XJ1100 models. - Starting Circuit Cut-off Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, XJ650 Turbo, 1982-83 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, and XJ1100 models. - TCI unit, pick-up coils output side, on the pick-up coils lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ700 and XJ750-X models. HCP9334MMBLKNE Aftermarket black plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9334MMBLKNE (the male shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Starting Circuit Cut-off Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. NOTE: these same connectors were used on the following models, but were colored blue (instead of black); however, even though the blue connector shell is not currently available, these black shells can be used as an exact substitute in the following applications: - Sidestand Relay, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. HCP9334FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9334FMWHT (the female shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Alternator stator lead harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 16-gauge, so choose your terminals appropriately. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 14-gauge red, 14-gauge brown, and 18-gauge blue, so choose your terminals appropriately. Bikes that use the two red/white wires for the battery sensor have two additional 20-gauge wires. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Euro (4V8) models, all XJ650 Euro (4K0 and 4K1 models), and some XJ750 Euro models (XJ750A and perhaps XJ750 E or E-II models). - Regulator/Rectifier unit, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 20-gauge (x 2) and 14-gauge (x 2), and 16-gauge (x 3), so choose your terminals appropriately. - TCI unit, ignition coils output side, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Tail and License Plate Light harness, on the lights lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. HCP9334MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, rectangular, with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9334MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Alternator stator lead harness, on the stator lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Main Key Switch lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Euro (4V8) models, all XJ650 Euro (4K0 and 4K1 models), and some XJ750 Euro models (XJ750A and perhaps XJ750 E or E-II models). - Regulator/Rectifier unit, on the regulator lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - Tail and License Plate Light harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - TCI unit, ignition coils output side, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 models and XJ1100 models. HCP9359MNOWTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, square, non-latching style, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1418 or the HCP9363BRD1822 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9359MNOWTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Dash Warning Lights (turn signals and hi-beam indicator) harness, on the dash light lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. - Dash Warning Lights harness, on the dash light lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Dash Warning Lights (oil, hi-beam, and neutral indicator) harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ900RK Seca models. - Tachometer harness, on the tachometer lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1982-84 XJ650 Maxim, 1983-84 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, and all XJ1100 models. - Turn Signal Warning Lights (on dash) harness, on the warning lights harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca models. HCP9359FNOWT Aftermarket off-white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, square, non-latching style, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9359FNOWT (the female shell) is used on: - Dash Warning Lights (turn signals and hi-beam indicator) harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. - Dash Warning Lights harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models. - Dash Warning Lights (oil, hi-beam, and neutral indicator) harness, on the on the dash light lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ900RK Seca models. - Tachometer harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1982-4 XJ650 Maxim, 1983-84 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, and XJ1100 models. NOTE: this same connector was used on the following model, but is colored yellow (instead of off-white); however, even though the yellow connector shells are not currently available, these off-white shells can be used as an exact substitute in the following applications: - Turn Signal Warning Lights (on dash) harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca models. HCP9359FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, square, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9359FMWHT (the female shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - Left handlebar control switch turn signal circuit lead-in harness, on the switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ700 models and the XJ750-X models. HCP9359MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 4-place, square, with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts only the HCP9363BR1812 or the HC9363TP1622 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9359MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Left handlebar control switch turn signal circuit lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ700 models and the XJ750-X models. Six-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP24545FFWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place rectangle terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24540TP round-pin male terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24545FFWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: XJ650 Turbo models, all XJ750 Maxim models, all XJ900 models, and XJ1100 models. - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the switch lead-in harness: all XJ550 models, and all XJ650 (except Turbo) models. HCP24545MMWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place rectangle terminal orientation, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP24541TP round-pin female terminal only (does not accept original terminals). Each: $ 8.95 * HCP24545MMWHT (the male shell) is used on: - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the switch lead-in harness: XJ650 Turbo models, all XJ750 Maxim models, all XJ900 models, and XJ1100 models. - Left Handlebar Control Switch, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 models, and all XJ650 (except Turbo) models. HCP12881FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, trapezoidal, with dual male latching pegs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9326xx male round pin terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP12881FMWHT (the female shell with the dual male latching pegs) is used on: - Left handlebar control switch, on the control switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 and all XJ650 (except Turbo) models. - Left handlebar control switch, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo, all 1981-83 XJ750 models, and XJ900 models. - Left handlebar control switch, turn signal and horn lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - NOTE: this white connector shell cannot be used in place of the black or brown connector shell that is used on the right side handlebar control switch on all XJ-series models, as those shells are a slightly different size. The right side switch connector shells are not currently available. HCP12881MFWHT Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, trapezoidal, with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9327xx female "triangular" round style pin terminal. NOTE: some models used true "round pin" style terminals and a matching connector shell that is no longer available. These HCP12881MFWHT shells, when used with the replacement HCP9327 "triangular" round-style pins, will properly mate up with their opposite original shell on your bike. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP12881MFWHT (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Left handlebar control switch, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 and all XJ650 (except Turbo) models. - Left handlebar control switch, on the control switch lead-in side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo, all 1981-83 XJ750 models, and XJ900 models. - Left handlebar control switch, turn signal and horn lead-in harness, on the control switch lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. - NOTE: this white connector shell cannot be used in place of the black or brown connector shell that is used on the right side handlebar control switch on all XJ-series models, as those shells are a slightly different size. The right side switch connector shells are not currently available. HCP9335FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9335FMWHT (the female shell with the a male latching peg) is used on: - Computerized Dash Monitor lead-in harness, on the dash lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca, and XJ1100 models. - Regulator-Rectifier lead-in harness, on the regulator lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. HCP9335MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9335MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Computerized Dash Monitor lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, 1981-83 XJ750 Seca, and XJ1100 models. - TCI Unit, on the pick-up coils lead-in harness, where it plugs into the TCI unit: all XJ550, XJ650 (except Turbo), and all 1981-83 XJ750 models. - Regulator-Rectifier lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. HCP9335MMWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9335MMWHTNE (the male shell with the male latching peg) is used on: - TCI Unit, on the ignition coils side of the TCI, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ700, XJ750-X, and all XJ900 models. HCP9338FNOWT Aftermarket off-white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9338FNOWT (the female shell) is used on: - Turn signal Flasher Self-Canceller Unit lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 models, all XJ650 models, all 1981-84 XJ750 models, all XJ900 models, and all XJ1100 models. NOTE: this same connector is used on the following model, but is colored yellow (instead of off-white); however, even though the yellow connector shells are not currently available, these off-white shells can be used as an exact substitute in the following applications: - Dash Warning Lights lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca and XJ1100 models. HCP9338FNWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 5.95 * HCP9338FNWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Diode Block lead-in harness, on the diode block lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo and XJ900 models. HCP9338MNWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1822 or the HCP9363BRD1418 female flat-blade terminal. Each:: $ 6.95 * HCP9338MNWHTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Diode Block lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo and XJ900 models. - Dash Warning Lights lead-in harness, on the warning lights lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ1100 models. HCP9338MNOWTNE Aftermarket off-white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 6-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1822 or the HCP9363BRD1418 female flat-blade terminal. Each:: $ 6.95 * HCP9338MNOWTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Turn signal Flasher Self-Canceller Unit lead-in harness, on the flasher lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 models, all XJ650 models, all 1981-84 XJ750 models, all XJ900 models, and all XJ1100 models. NOTE: this same connector is used on the following model, but is colored yellow (instead of off-white); however, even though the yellow connector shells are not currently available, these off-white shells can be used as an exact substitute in the following applications: - Dash Warning Lights lead-in harness, on the warning lights lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca models. Eight-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP9336FMWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 8-place, rectangular, with a male latching peg, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9360xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9336FMWHT (the female shell with the a male latching peg) is used on: - Regulator-Rectifier lead-in harness, on the regulator lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ-series (except 1100) models. NOTE: this shell can be used on the XJ1100 models if the molded male latch is removed. NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 20-gauge (x 2) and 14-gauge (x 2), and 16-gauge (x 3), so choose your terminals appropriately. - TCI unit, ignition coils output side, on the TCI lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. HCP9336MFWHTWE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 8-place, rectangular, with a female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9361xx female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9336MFWHTWE (the male shell with the female latch-peg receiver and side "ear" tabs) is used on: - Regulator-Rectifier lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ-series (except 1100) models. NOTE: this shell can be used on the XJ1100 models if the molded female latch is removed. NOTE: the wires in the above circuit are 20-gauge (x 2) and 14-gauge (x 2), and 16-gauge (x 3), so choose your terminals appropriately. - TCI unit, ignition coils output side, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. Nine-terminal Connector Blocks: HCP9339FNWHT Aftermarket white plastic FEMALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 9-place, rectangular, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9362xx male flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9339FNWHT (the female shell) is used on: - Dash Warning Lights (oil, hi-beam, neutral, and turn signal) harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, all XJ650 (except Turbo), and 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. - Dash Main Display lead-in harness, on the cluster lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Dash Main lead-in harness, on the cluster lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. - Speedometer harness, on the speedometer lead-in harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. HCP9339MNWHTNE Aftermarket white plastic MALE CONNECTOR SHELL, 9-place, square, used on all of the following circuits listed below. Accepts the HCP9363BRD1822 or the HCP9363BRD1418 female flat-blade terminal. Each: $ 6.95 * HCP9339MNWHTNE (the male shell) is used on: - Dash Warning Lights (oil, hi-beam, neutral, and turn signal) harness, on the dash light lead-in harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Maxim, all XJ650 (except Turbo), and 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. - Dash Main Display lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ650 Turbo models. - Dash Main lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ900 models. - Diode Block lead-in harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all XJ550 Seca, XJ700-X, and XJ750-X models. - Speedometer harness, on the main harness side of the connection: all 1982 XJ750 Maxim models. WIRE ASSEMBLY and SOLDERING TOOLS: In order to properly attach a wire to another wire, or a wire to its end terminal, you will need to both CRIMP the wires together (or crimp the wire to the end terminal "arms"), and then apply SOLDER to the wire to insure both a mechanically strong and an electrically conductive connection. Additionally, you should apply either a SHRINK TUBE over the connection, or use a LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE sealer or wrap the connection with a VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE product. Remember, corrosion is the big enemy of electrical connectors, and everything you can do to prevent moisture from entering the bare wire joint will save you untold amounts of electrical grief down the road! Of course, you'll need some professional-grade tools and supplies to produce professional-level results, starting with a precision WIRE CUTTER and STRIPPER TOOL, a WIRE TERMINAL CRIMPER TOOL, some low-temp SILVER SOLDER, and a SOLDERING GUN. We cannot over-emphasize that our experience shows that cheaply-made electrical system tools are simply not worth their "cheap" price....especially the wire crimper. The performance of the wire-to-terminal crimp is determined by the accuracy of the die profile of the tool jaws, and that's exactly where the cheap tool manufacturers cut corners. So don't scrimp on the crimp! Terminal Removal Tools: Once a wire-end terminal is inserted into its connector shell, a small metal "spring-tab" or "tongue" locks the terminal into a recess in the connector shell, thus preventing the terminal and wire from coming back out of the shell. Think of it as the terminal equivalent of the barb on the end of a fish-hook----easy going in, not so easy to get back out...... Of course, if you want or need to extract a terminal from its connector shell....for repair or replacement, for instance.....then you'll find the use of these TERMINAL REMOVAL TOOLS to be greatest thing since sliced bread. Proper width flat spring-steel blades formed into a rising wedge shape allows you to quickly and easily depress the spring-tab "hook" back up and into the terminal, thus "un-locking" the locking tab from the connector shell, and a quicky tug on the wire now releases the terminal from the shell. Works on all small, medium, and wide flat-blade style terminals only! Not for use on the round pin terminals. HCP15686 Aftermarket small flat-blade TERMINAL REMOVAL TOOL, round plastic handle for ease of use. $ 17.95 HCP15687 Aftermarket medium and large flat-blade TERMINAL REMOVAL TOOL, round plastic handle for ease of use. On some connector shells, this tool can also be used to release the small flat-blade terminals, too. $ 19.95 Wire Cutter, Stripper, and Terminal Crimper Tools: NOTE: SOME OF THE FOLLOWING TOOLS ARE AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL!!: some tools are a one-time or infrequent use tool, so it may be more economical for you to rent them from us, rather than to purchase outright. Please see the “rental” section within the THE TOOLBOX section of our catalog at: http://xjbikes.com/forums/index.php?threads/xj-parts-catalog-section-p-the-toolbox.44630 and review the availability and procedures in the TOOL RENTAL section. These professional-grade tools put the chain-store variety to shame. If you want strong and secure connections when you're done, don't try to save a few dollars on inferior quality tools. There's absolutely nothing more frustrating than have a wire stripper that pulls the wire strands out (along with the insulation) because it's pivot point won't hold a setting, or because the round holes were not cut to the proper depths. And terminal crimper tools that have an incorrect or poor tolerance profile just won't ever crimp tightly enough, and then the wire will pull out of the terminal crimp----no matter how hard you squeeze! HCP13112 Aftermarket standard-duty WIRE CUTTER and STRIPPER TOOL. Designed for 10-22 gauge stranded copper wire only, this tool features precision-cut holes for wire insulation stripping, as well as high-carbon steel precision scissors-type blades for straight-cut, flush end wire cutting. Highly visible AWG and mm wire gauge sizes are embossed into the handle as well as color-coded. The tapered end of the base allows you to pull and twist frayed wire ends back into a tight strand. Soft comfort handles. $ 21.95 HCP13113 Aftermarket heavy-duty WIRE CUTTER and STRIPPER TOOL. Designed for 12-20 gauge stranded copper wire only, this tool features precision-cut holes for wire insulation stripping, as well as stainless steel, nick-resistant scissors-type blades for straight-cut, flush end wire cutting. AWG wire gauge sizes are embossed into the handle. The tapered end of the base allows you to pull and twist frayed wire ends back into a tight strand. Curved, soft comfort-grip handles. $ 39.95 HCP13223 Aftermarket heavy-duty WIRE CRIMPER, STRIPPER, and CUTTER TOOL, professional grade for use with original style "open-barrel" wire terminals. Although this crimper is not a ratchet-design, its long lever arms produce enough force to properly secure the wire to the terminal, vastly simplifying its use and performance. For 14-22 gauge wire terminals. $ 109.95 HCP13065 Aftermarket heavy-duty WIRE CRIMPER TOOL, designed for use with original style "open-barrel" wire terminals. This crimper is a ratchet-design that will not release until the crimp is fully completed, vastly simplifying its use and performance. For 12-22 gauge wire terminals. $ 69.95 HCP14583 Aftermarket super-duty WIRE CRIMPER TOOL, for use with original style "open-barrel" wire terminals. This crimper is a ratchet-design that will not release until the crimp is fully completed. For 12-22 gauge wire terminals. A professional level tool, combines ease of use while achieving crisp and consistent final crimp quality. $ discontinued HCP13066 Aftermarket heavy-duty WIRE CRIMPER TOOL, designed for use with aftermarket style "closed-barrel" wire terminals (such as with butt connectors, or other style terminals with a hollow metal receiver tube that the wire fits into before crimping). This crimper is also a ratchet-design that will not release until the die set if fully closed, and thus the crimp is fully completed. For 10-22 gauge wire terminals. $ 59.95 Wire Solder and Soldering Guns: While there is a unbelievably confusing array of solder choices, we've narrowed your choices down to one brand and type that we feel is the best: 3.5% SILVER BEARING, LEAD-FREE, ROSIN-CORE SOLDER. Let's go over those features one at a time: a) Silver is the best material to use for small-wire electrical soldering, due to both the high-strength of silver and the exceptional electrical conductivity of silver (as opposed to lead-content solder). b) Lead is a poisonous substance, and the soldering process has the potential to release lead fumes into the air....and into your eyes and lungs.....and that's just not a good thing, at all. c) In the old days, solder was "pure" solder (be it lead-based, silver, etc.) and the cleaning flux was a separate material that had to be applied by hand. Modern "solder" is available with a central, internal flux core so that the cleaning and de-oxidizing properties of the flux----which has a lower melting point than the solder itself----is released first and performs the cleaning task on the wires and terminals immediately before the solder itself melts and flows. The miracles of modern technology at its best.......... NOTE: never use acid-core solder or an acid-based flux when performing electrical wire soldering! Acidic remnants of that type of flux will remain and eat away at your wires and terminals over time. Of course, you'll want to apply such solder with a professional-quality SOLDER GUN, and since you probably, just like the rest of us, only have two hands, then you'll quickly come to appreciate our super-handy WIRE HOLDER tool that allows you to clamp the wires properly in place before soldering, leaving your hands free for the solder feed and the handling of the gun. HCP13067 Aftermarket standard-duty SOLDERING GUN SET, 120-volt, dual 100-Watt and 140-Watts power settings, tip temperatures of 900-F and 1020-F. An excellent 8-piece kit which includes the gun, the tin-plated copper soldering tip, a plastics heat-cutting tip, a flux brush, all enclosed in a hard-shell protective carrying case. $ 57.95 HCP13068 Aftermarket heavy-duty SOLDERING GUN SET, 120-volt, dual 200-Watt and 260-Watts power settings, tip temperatures of 900-F and 1100-F. An excellent 8-piece kit which includes the gun, the tin-plated copper soldering tip, a plastics heat-cutting tip, a flux brush, all enclosed in a hard-shell protective carrying case. $ 69.95 HCP13108 Aftermarket 3.5% SILVER BEARING, LEAD-FREE, ROSIN-CORE SOLDER, 15-foot spool contains enough material to solder many, many wire joints! 430-F solder melt temperature, .032" diameter solder wire size is just right for the type of wires you'll be working on. $ 9.95 HCP13111 Aftermarket magnetic WIRE HOLDER - CLAMPS TOOL, a very useful gadget when trying to manipulate 2 (or more) wires and trying to solder at the same time. Adjustable spring-loaded alligator clips hold the wires steady and in alignment while you do the soldering; both the tool base and the clips are magnetic so that you can the tool on a metal surface without it walking, or the hex-shaped tool base allows it to be clamped into a vice for complete restraint of movement. You'll be glad your bought it! $ 23.95 Wire and Terminal Protection: You have a few choices here, with the only rule being: choose one! Protecting the crimped and/or soldered bare wire connection from moisture and oxygen is the only way to keep it from corroding, which causes all sorts of un-fun problems with your electrical system. The traditional method of sealing wire connections (wire-to-wire or wire-to-terminal) is to slather the finished joint generously with DI-ELECTRIC GREASE, and then, if space considerations permit, to cover the connection with either HEAT-SHRINK TUBE, ELECTRICAL TAPE, or both. "Electrical tape" in now available in both the traditional VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, or in a modern LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE form for ease of use and additional protection. Shrink tubing shrinks tightly when heat is applied; we recommend the use of our HCP9809 flameless heat gun, or a small butane torch or even a lighter.....just make sure you apply the heat evenly over the entire surface. NOTE: always remember to install your shrink tubing over the wire before you install your wire end terminals! NOTE that the very small flat spade terminals, pin terminals, and bullet terminals may not accept shrink tubing or electrical tape due to the small confines of their connector shells. In such situation, your best solution is to simply load up on the di-electric grease.......the more the merrier. It truly is advisable to fill the entire connector shell with di-electric grease to completely seal the wire, end terminals, and connection joint from any exposure to the atmosphere. Some people might consider this as anally-retentive behavior; we think of it as prudent. HCP13030 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 18-20 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP13036 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 18-20 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13033 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, this 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 18-20 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP13038 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 18-20 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13031 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 14-16 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP28307 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 14-16 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13034 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, this 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 14-16 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP28308 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 14-16 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13032 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 10-14 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP13037 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 10-14 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13035 Aftermarket wire harness STANDARD RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, this 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. For use with 10-14 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.75 HCP13039 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, a 2" length is just right for a wire-end to terminal joint or a butt connection. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 10-14 gauge wire. Each piece: $ 0.95 HCP13040 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL BLACK HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, this 6" length is just right for battery terminal wire-end connections. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 2-8 gauge battery or starter motor wire. Each piece: $ 4.95 HCP13041 Aftermarket wire harness DUAL-WALL RED HEAT-SHRINK TUBING, this 6" length is just right for battery terminal wire-end connections. This dual-wall design tubing contains an internal adhesive coating that melts and flows when the heat is applied, adding additional strength and protection to the finished installation. For use with 2-8 gauge battery or starter motor wire. Each piece: $ 4.95 HCP9809 Aftermarket 1100-F degree FLAMELESS HEAT GUN. This good quality, inexpensive heat gun is useful in a variety of situations. Great for helping to remove frozen carb and engine fasteners (it quickly heats up the metal surrounding the stuck fastener, helping to un-seize the fastener threads), applying electrical shrink tubing, removing decals and stripes, and other tasks. Two-speed/heat settings, 600-F and 1000-F. 120V. Can be used stand-alone with supporting clip or hand-held. Includes a air concentrator nozzle. For light-duty use only! $ 47.95 Electrical System Chemicals: NOTE: it’s important to understand the difference between the two types of greases used with electrical connectors. Di-electric grease acts as an electrical insulator: it does not allow current to flow through it easily, and is basically used to “waterproof” a connector assembly. Although it is an insulator, the act of engaging two electrical connectors together (i.e. pushing a male connector into a female connector) will push away the grease on the metal-to-metal contact portion of the terminals, so those remain electrically conductive (good) while also insulating all the other surfaces against moisture and oxygen intrusion (very good). This insulating property of di-electric grease makes it great for use in connector shells, etc. as terminal corrosion is one of the greatest contributors to electrical system problems in vehicles (especially older ones)……this is why most modern vehicles use “sealed” connector shells (the most popular is the Delphi Automotive brand called “weather pack” or “weatherpak”) to keep oxygen and moisture away from the metal terminals. Although you can retrofit these style connectors to older harnesses, it takes a LOT of time, money, and effort to do so. Now, contrast the insulating properties of di-electric grease to the electrically conductive properties of Conductive Grease, which, as its name implies, the grease itself (which contains many fine carbon particles) conducts electricity. Of course, being a “grease”, it too will also protect and insulate a terminal coated with it from moisture, corrosion, etc…..same as di-electric grease. But…it’s conductive, and if the terminal it coats is electrically “hot”, so is the grease (i.e. touching the grease alone will shock you!). So a conductive grease is great when you need protection plus current flow……ideal for frame (or battery) grounds to the frame, etc. You could---if you are totally anally-retentive---coat (for instance) a battery post internally with conductive grease, and then cover all of that with di-electric grease. So, think of these grease as two different electrical system “tools”, and use accordingly. et2) Aftermarket electrical connector DI-ELECTRIC GREASE coats, insulates, and protects metal terminal connectors from exposure to air, thus preventing oxidation, the killer of electrical systems. Smear some of this goo on each and every one of your electrical connectors (after you've cleaned them with some sandpaper or terminal cleaner) and you'll be doing yourself a big favor! HCP14059 Aftermarket packet of DI-ELECTRIC GREASE, single use 2-gram packet, enough to do a few light bulbs, terminals, etc. $ 1.95 HCP7528 Aftermarket tube of DI-ELECTRIC GREASE, big 3-ounce squeeze tube. $ 14.95 NOTE: the following product(s) can only be shipped via ground transport (which thus eliminates the postal Priority Mail, postal Express Mail, or private carrier Expedited levels of service for this item) and cannot (and will not----don't even ask!) be shipped outside of the continental USA. Additionally, there may be a per-package weight or quantity restriction, and thus multiple-unit orders of this product may have to be shipped in separate packages and will incur additional shipping charges. HCP20940 Aftermarket tube of DI-ELECTRIC GREASE, 3.3-ounce aerosol can of marine grade grease, with adjustable nozzle size to tailor the grease output bead size to minimize slop and waste and making application much easier. 1-2 cans will do all connectors on an entire bike harness. $ 17.95 et14) Aftermarket electrical connector CONDUCTIVE GREASE coats and protects metal terminal connectors from exposure to air, thus preventing oxidation, the killer of electrical systems. Unlike the di-electric grease listed above, which is an insulator (non-conductive), this carbon-based grease is electrically conductive and has multiple applications (such as battery terminal posts (internally), frame grounds, etc.). HCP27923 Aftermarket packet of CONDUCTIVE GREASE, single use 2-gram packet, enough to do a few light bulbs, terminals, etc. Even tiny amounts (that you can barely see) will create minimal electrical resistance, so be careful with this stuff around capacitors and such. It gets everywhere, will stain your hands and clothing and take three days to wash off, and smells like some of the worst goop you've ever smelled. Use a toothpick for application. Don't eat it. Wear gloves. 2-gram pouch goes a long way. $ 3.95 cps2) Aftermarket high-quality CROCUS CLOTH. Unlike sandpaper or emery paper, crocus cloth is a super-fine, cloth-backed soft abrasive that doesn’t “shed” particles during use, and is just the thing for burnishing and polishing of copper electrical contact, like the alternator rotor and starter motor commutators. Sold in a 2” wide x 1-foot long strip, enough for polishing many a commutator or contact. HCP21378 Aftermarket strip of CROCUS CLOTH, measures 12” x 2”. Each: $ 3.95 NOTE: the following product(s) can only be shipped via ground transport (which thus eliminates the postal Priority Mail, postal Express Mail, or private carrier Expedited levels of service for this item) and cannot (and will not----don't even ask!) be shipped outside of the continental USA. Additionally, there may be a per-package weight or quantity restriction, and thus multiple-unit orders of this product may have to be shipped in separate packages and will incur additional shipping charges. HCP9762 Aftermarket miracle-goo black LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE is easier to use than traditional tape products, especially in close-in locations. Great for sealing crimped wire terminal ends to the wire and serves as a good alternative or supplement to shrink tubing. Just brush it on and let it dry! Comes in a 4-ounces brush-top can. $ 8.95 HCP10508 Aftermarket electrical CONTACT CLEANER is a good general purpose cleaner and de-greaser. Will not harm plastic terminal connector blocks. Fast drying and leaves no residue. Comes in a 16-ounce aerosol can. $ 9.95 HCP12923 Aftermarket harness bundle VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, black, 20-foot roll. $ 4.95 HCP13134 Aftermarket harness bundle VINYL ELECTRICAL TAPE WRAP, black, 66-foot roll, almost enough to do one complete harness. $ 10.95 WIRE HARNESS CLIPS: whc2) OEM wire harness wires, wire bundles, and control cable RETAINING CLIPS, CLAMPS, GROMMETS, AND BAND TIES help you to keep all the wires secure, routed correctly, and looking original. The various bands and ties are used in a variety of places throughout the bike frame, on the handlebars, and in other locations to help insure that things are kept out of harm’s way! Grommets: HCP2179 OEM tail light sub-harness GROMMET, oval "doughnut" wire lead grommet snaps into the hole near the tail light housing, and protects the tail light sub-harness where it enters before it goes under the rear fender. Use 1 on all of the following models: XJ550 Maxim, all XJ650 models (except XJ650RJ Seca), all XJ700 models, all XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim, and all XJ1100 models. Each: $ 4.95 HCP3455 OEM wire harness lead wire GROMMET, round "doughnut" wire lead grommet snaps into a hole near the front of the fender, and protects the tail light and turn signals sub-harness where it exit from under the rear fender. Use 1 on all of the following models: XJ550 Maxim, all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models (except XJ650RJ Seca), and all XJ700 models. Each: $ 1.95 Clips: HCP3463 OEM tail light and rear turn signals sub-harness SNAP-OVER CLIP, pegged clip that snaps over itself the rear fender and then snaps shut over the top of the harness, near the front of the fender, and route the tail light and rear turn signal lead wires as they run forward along the top of the fender. Use 1 on all of the following models: all XJ650 models, all XJ700 models, and all XJ750 Seca models. Use 2 on all of the following models: all XJ900RK, RL, N/FN, and F models. Each: $ 3.95 HCP3464 OEM tail light and rear turn signals sub-harness SNAP-OVER CLAMP, "U"-shaped clip is pegged into the rear inner fender and has an arm that snaps shut over the top of the harness, located near the front of the inner fender, and routes the tail light and rear turn signal lead wires as they run forward along the top of the fender. Use 1 on all of the following models: all FJ600, XJ650, and XJ750 models. Each: $ 6.95 HCP8663 OEM tail light and rear turn signals sub-harness SNAP-OVER CLAMP, "U"-shaped clip is pegged into the rear inner fender and has an arm that snaps shut over the top of the harness, located near the front of the inner fender, and routes the tail light and rear turn signal lead wires as they run forward along the top of the fender. Use 3 on all of the following models: all XJ1100 models. Each: $ 5.95 Clamps: HCP3547 OEM main wire harness FRAME CLAMP, large double-armed, rubber-coated metal clamp supports and routes the main harness bundles near the steering tube. Use 1 on all XJ550 models. Each: $ 6.95 HCP3548 OEM main wire harness FRAME CLAMP, smaller single open "c-hook" style, rubber-coated metal clamp supports and routes the main harness bundles near the steering tube. Use 2 on all XJ550 and FJ600 models. Each: $ 3.95 Harness Band Ties: Shaped like large, wide wire ties, but sporting a much wider shaft and an even wider T-head, these black serrated toothed "ratchet clamps" are used in a variety of both visible locations on each bike (such as on the handlebars) and in hidden locations (such as down by the kickstand switch) to properly retain control cables and wire harness leads. Although standard issue electrical-department-at-home-depot wire ties are similar, they are not nearly as wide as these original band ties, and especially for the visible locations, these original style ties provide that correct "detailed-restoration" look. HCP3465 OEM black wire harness self-locking BAND TIE, 5" long by 5/16" wide, with large slotted T-head. Each: $ 2.95 Used as follows: XJ550 Maxim: 4 on the handlebars. XJ550 Seca: 2 on the handlebars. FJ600 (1986 models): 2 on the rear turn signal harness. XJ650 Maxim/Midnight Maxim: 1 in the rear fender area, and 4 on the handlebars. XJ650RJ Seca: 2 on the handlebars. XJ650 Turbo: 2 on the handlebars. XJ700 all models: 2 on the handlebars. XJ750-X models: 2 on the handlebars. 1983 XJ750 Maxim/Midnight Maxim: 4 on the handlebars. HCP3466 OEM black wire harness self-locking BAND TIE, 7" long by 3/8" wide, with large slotted T-head. Each: $ 4.95 HCP18080 Aftermarket black wire harness self-locking BAND TIE, 7" long by 3/8" wide, with large slotted T-head. Each: $ 3.95 The above straps are used as follows: XJ550 Maxim: 5 on the main wire harness. XJ550 Seca: 4 on the main wire harness. FJ600 all: 3 on the main wire harness. 1980 XJ650 Maxim: 2 on the main wire harness. 1981-83 XJ650 all Maxim and Midnight Maxim: 2 on the main wire harness. XJ650RJ Seca: 3 on the main wire harness. XJ650 Turbo: 3 on the main wire harness, and 1 with the turbocharger "power-up kit" used optionally on 1982 models and on all 1983 models. XJ700 all models: 2 on the main wire harness. XJ750-X models: 2 on the main wire harness. 1981-83 XJ750 all models: 4 on the main wire harness. XJ750 Seca models: 4 on the handlebars. XJ900RK, RL, N/FN, and F models: 4-6 per bike, depending on specific model, on the main wire harness. XJ1100: 4 on the main wire harness. HCP3578 OEM black wire harness self-locking BAND TIE, 9" long by 3/8" wide, with large slotted T-head. Each: $ 2.95 Used as follows: 1980-81 XJ650 Maxim/Midnight Maxim models: 2 on the main wire harness. 1982-83 XJ650 all Maxim models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ650RJ Seca models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ650 Turbo models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ700 all models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ750-X models: 1 on the main wire harness. 1981-83 XJ750 all models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ900RK, RL, and N/FN models: 1 on the main wire harness. XJ1100 model: 1 on the main wire harness. |
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